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Days went by and Yoongi and Jimin were becoming more and more inseparable.

Wherever they went, they held hands. Whichever chance they got, they complimented each other or said something sweet to make the other smile. And no matter how many times they got scolded they continued talking in class.

''You two are so cute it's disgusting.'' Yuqi complained, well not really since she was wearing a smile on her face, but more stated, causing the pair to look at each other and giggle.

''Thank you.'' Jimin thanked as Yoongi pecked his cheek. ''I'll be right back though, I have to go to the bathroom.''

''Okay.'' The pair replied. Jimin stood up from his seat and made his way out of the cafeteria. Yoongi couldn't help but watch him walk away. In just two weeks, he managed to become completely whipped for Park Jimin.

Well, almost completely. He still worried about Taehyung, a lot. The boy hasn't been showing up for lunch for the past two weeks and if he did, he made sure to sit as far away from the trio as possible.

''I'm happy for you.'' Yuqi snapped him out of his thoughts before he could start allowing himself to think about Taehyung again. And he was very thankful for that because his mind started to once again think about Jimin.

''I feel happy too.'' Yoongi admitted with a gummy smile. He has been smiling like that more and more often lately and he could only blame Jimin for that.

''Good, you deserve to be happy with somebody. And you and Jimin are really good together.''

''Well... It's only been two weeks I don't know about that...'' Yoongi shrugged his shoulders in reply to try to play it cool in front of Yuqi but his wide smile gave him away instantly.

''Shut up.'' Yuqi rolled her eyes at him and shoved him lightly. ''Aren't you glad I pointed him out for you. Without me, you would've never noticed him.''

''We're still classmates. I'm pretty sure I would've noticed him even without your help.''

''Yeah, when it would've already been too late.''


''Just saying, you may not mean to, but you have a way missing chances with the right people because you keep chasing after the wrongs ones.''

''If this was your subtle attempt to bring up Taehyung just give up and tell it to me straight.''

''But you're gay.'' Yuqi joked causing the pair to chuckle.

''Got me there.'' Yoongi joked back. ''But no really, if you have something to say, say it.''

''Fine, I'm proud of you for giving up on Taehyung and moving on with Jimin. I know it must've been hard and still is, you can't just forget about a person in a day, but you're doing the right thing. You and Tae weren't meant to be.''

She was right. Although it pained Yoongi to hear it, she was right. If only he hadn't been so stuck on Taehyung, maybe he would have noticed Jimin earlier.

''Yeah... You're right. But you know what I'm like... I'm not good with moving on, even now I still worry about him and want to know if he's alright or if he's doing something he shouldn't be. But, I know now that he wasn't right for me and that it's better I never confessed to him because it wasn't worth it.''

''I wonder how he is... A part of me wants to talk to him... But then, I look at him and remember how he acted towards us and my pride gets the best of me.'' Yuqi spoke with a sad smile on her face. Yoongi was about to reply but a pair of arms wrapping themselves around him and a pair of lips gently pressing themselves against his cheek stopped him from doing so.

''You were fast.'' Yoongi spoke in a confused tone as Jimin sat back down next to them.

''Yeah, there's too many people in there I'll just go before the bell rings.''

''So wait, you literally walked into the bathroom, saw there were too many people and walked out?'' Yuqi questioned causing Jimin to smile at her sheepishly.

''I'm pee-shy.'' The boy explained causing Yoongi to chuckle at him fondly.

''You do realize you're staying at my place the entire weekend, are you gonna hold it in the entire time?'' He teased earning a playful glare in response.

''That's different, I know you. And if it'll get bad I'll force you to go to the other side of the house.''

''Wait, wait, wait, you're staying at his place this weekend?'' Yuqi questioned.

''Yap.'' The pair replied in unison.

''Well that was fast.'' She teased causing Yoongi to roll his eyes at her.

''It's not like that, his parents are out of town so we figured it's not a bad idea if I stayed over.'' Jimin explained with a smile plastered over his lips.

''So you're going to his tonight?'' Jimin only nodded in reply. ''But we're still hanging out after school, right?''

''Yeah, of course.'' Yoongi nodded in reply. ''We can all go back to my place.'' 

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