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Almost a month had passed and things were finally back to normal, or at least the new normal.

The old normal for Jimin would be staring at Yoongi from afar all day long and never having the courage to come up and talk to him, whereas now, Jimin got to call Yoongi his boyfriend. The old normal also consisted of Jimin not having any friends, which was now not the case anymore. Jimin had three new friends: Yuqi, Jungkook and Taehyung.

He had even met three of Jungkook's friends at a get together once, but he thought it was better he didn't hang out with them. Yoongi thought the same so the pair mainly kept to themselves when the trio was around.

''Jimin?'' Yoongi called out for him snapping him out of his thoughts.

''Hmm?'' The said boy replied.

''You're spacing out, everything okay?'' Yoongi questioned with a worried expression on his face.

''I'm okay, just thinking.'' He assured as he pecked the other's lips to make his worried frown go away.

''What are you thinking of?''

''Hmm... Not telling.''

''Hey, don't be rude.''

''I'm not being rude.''

''You are, you're keeping something from me.''

''It's nothing~'' Jimin spoke back then pecked his lips again.

''Oh, guys, c'mon. We made a deal, no PDA in front of your single friend.'' A voice spoke up behind them. The pair didin't need to turn around to know it was Yuqi who was complaining. She sat down on the opposite side of the table and let out a small sigh.

''Where's Tae and Jungkook?'' Besides everything else changing and becoming a new normal, there was one thing that was still the same.

''They said they'll sit with Hoseok, they have something to 'discuss' and they know we don't like hearing those things.'' Yuqi explained.

''They're not talking about drugs are they?'' Even after almost two months of dating Jimin. Yoongi still managed to forget all about him the second he started thinking about Taehyung. At first, Jimin didn't mind it, knowing a person can't just move on in a day.

But after everything that has happened Jimin was starting to get worried Yoongi might never fully move on and just keep pushing him to the side whenever the topic of Taehyung came up, or the boy himself wished for Yoongi's attention.

He wasn't sure why he was acting this way. For a while he was convinced Yoongi had moved on and only had feelings for him. But when Taehyung announced that he and Jungkook were dating, Yoongi suddenly became very protective of Taehyung. He once even spent the entire time Jimin was over at his house complaining about how Taehyung and Jungkook shouldn't be hanging out with the people they do.

Jimin tried to tell him it was not his business, who they chose to hang out with, but it just resulted in the pair having an argument. Of course Yoongi apologized in the end and wouldn't stop peppering Jimin with kisses until he was in a good mood again, but its still secretly bothered Jimin.

''I don't know Yoongi, and I don't care. As long as it doesn't involve me, get me into trouble or makes me do anything, I don't care and you shouldn't either. Right, Jimin?'' She questioned; unlike Jungkook, Taehyung and Yoongi, who were probably the three most oblivious human beings on planet earth, Yuqi saw there was something bother Jimin.

Although she never asked him what was wrong, Jimin had a feeling she knew what was bothering him. She would always stop Yoongi or snap him out of his thoughts if he had drifted too far away and Jimin was very thankful for that.

''She's right.'' Jimin agreed as he rested his head on Yoongi's shoulder.

Although he was often mad at Yoongi for being so oblivious, he couldn't bring himself to stay mad at him. He just cared far too much for him. Actually, if he was being completely honest, he loved him. Park Jimin was in love with Min Yoongi. Which is why he let him do what he did, because he knew that being without him would hurt far more than being pushed aside for brief amount of time.

At least he hoped he could keep telling himself that. It was getting harder and harder to stand Yoongi's behavior.

Attention // YoonminUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum