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''Good morning, Yoongi.'' A sweet voice greeted as the said boy sat down in his seat. He looked to his left and flashed the owner of the voice a bright smile before replying.

''Good morning, Jimin. How was your weekend?'' Yoongi asked as he watched the boy next to him grin even wider.

''Oh it was great.'' The boy replied with a giggle.

''Oh really? Did you do anything special?'' Yoongi asked in a playful tone, it was a shitty attempt to flirt with the other but thankfully, Jimin still replied.

''I went on a date with this really great guy.'' Jimin replied, Yoongi couldn't help but smile like an idiot as Jimin spoke. For some reason the boy made him forget about Taehyung and how heartbroken he felt. When Jimin was around, he didn't even think of the other, well almost, the boy still passed his mind ever so often but most of the time he found himself thinking of Jimin.

''Oh really? Are you going to see him again anytime soon?''

''Well... He promised me movies, so I'll see how that goes.''

''That's good.'' Yoongi nodded his head then chuckled at the conversation they were having.

''What about you, how was your weekend?'' Jimin asked back.

''Oh, even better than yours probably.''


''Yeah, I went bowling with this really cute guy. We both sucked but it was really fun and I managed to win him a teddy bear at the arcade.''

''I'm sure he gave it a great name.'' Jimin joked causing the pair to chuckle.

''Oh, yeah, definitely.'' Yoongi spoke with a chuckle.

''So... Are you gonna see this really cute guy anytime soon?'' Jimin questioned.

''Actually, I was gonna ask him to come sit with me at lunch so my friend can meet him.''

''Wait, what?''

''My friend has been asking how it's going with you all week long but I didn't want to say anything before the date, but am yeah... She really wants to meet you because she thinks it's a miracle that I actually asked someone out and then followed through with the date.''

''Wow, meeting the friends already, what's next bringing me home?'' Jimin joked.

''Ahh... Let's not rush that much.'' Yoongi joked back earning a giggle in response. ''But yeah, you don't have to join us if you don't want to. She can be a bit... Too much to handle when she gets excited.''

''What's her name?''

''Yuqi.'' Yoongi replied. The reason he was talking about only one of his friends was because a) Yuqi has been bombarding him with a million and one question about Jimin all weekend long and b) because he didn't know if Taehyung was even considered his friend at the moment.

He and Yuqi haven't heard a word from him since Friday night. At first, Yoongi thought Taehyung would wait for them in the morning and wish to talk about what happened that night. But Taehyung was nowhere to be seen when he and Yuqi were walking to school. And judging from the text message he received from the girl before he entered his classroom he wasn't speaking to let alone acknowledging the girl at all.

''I'd love to sit with you at lunch and meet her.'' Jimin snapped him out of his thoughts.

''Great, that'll probably cheer her up.''

''Did something happen?''

''Oh... Ahm, we kind of got into a fight with our friend and she's really hurt by it...''

''Is that the other boy you hang out with?''

''Yeah, Taehyung.''

''I'm sorry about that.''

''No need to apologize.'' Yoongi assured with a slight smile. For some reason, he felt weird talking about Taehyung in front of Jimin. He felt as if he shouldn't mention the boy in front of Jimin. It felt wrong for some reason. Probably because he still had feelings for Taehyung, but Jimin didn't need to know that, because it was Jimin he wanted now, not Taehyung.

''What did you fight about?''

''He lied about something very important and kept a lot of things from us and it really hurt our feelings.'' Yoongi explained. He couldn't help but frown as he thought of the fight again. All that time Yoongi thought it was just some innocent crush Taehyung had when in reality there was so much more going on.

''Hey...'' Yoongi felt Jimin's hand place itself on his shoulder and squeeze it lightly. ''Cheer up, I'm pretty sure that guy you were telling me about wouldn't want to see you frowning.''

''Yeah, you're right.'' Yoongi replied as he smiled at the other again.  

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