⊱Chapter 20 🗡Hostage Situation⊰

Start from the beginning

Jake gave him a puzzling stare, answering without much thought, "Looks like we got kidnapped."

"Thank you Captain Obvious." I shook my head exasperated by the two of them. "I was correct about us stopping. Someone was following us. You guys clearly had been jumped as I left to investigate a noise I had heard. When I came back a man appeared and knocked me out with either some kind of powder or magic. I am leaning towards magic since it had an incredibly familiar feel about it." Complaining about our misfortune.

"We need to get out of here." Jake sighed to himself as he threw his body back onto the ground, sprawling out. Dax rolled his eyes, slapping Jake on this forehead.

Rolling my eyes along with Dax, "Right again Captain Obvious. What do you think I have been planning for the last little while as the two of you have been snoozing?" Movement coming from my right catches my attention.

Reminding me that one of our members is still out cold. "Hang on for a second. Bao is still out and we can't escape without him, as sad as that is." Scooting my way over to Bao's knocked out form I raise one of my hands high into the air, preparing for what I was about to do. Grinning I whisper more to myself than the boys watching me, "I have always wanted to do this." With that said I brought my hand down across his face in a hard slap.

I continued my slapping assault until Bao groaned from the pain. Finally prying his eyes open. By then both of his cheeks were colored crimson red. Puffing up from them swelling. Was it so wrong that I got intense pleasure from seeing the damage my hands had done? "Where are we?" He sat up in a daze, running a hand over his face as he continued to wake. "Ow my cheeks sting!" Sending a glare towards me while I smiled sheepishly.

"Well thanks to you three being idiots we are trapped somewhere in the forest by a band of, well for the lack of a better word, bandits." Griping my contempt at him.

"This is my fault?" He growled while rubbing his cheeks to subside the stinging.

"Yes! I told you something was wrong and not for us to stop. But you wouldn't listen! If you hadn't insisted that we stop we could be in the next town and not sitting here captured." I seethe as I climb to my feet, letting them carry me to pace the small confines of the cage like a wild animal.

"Why do you always have to try and blame things on me?" He nearly yells out in exasperation.

Pausing in my pacing I stab a figure down towards his chest, "Because usually it is you that messes everything up." I mutter under my breath.

He narrowed his eyes at me from his seat on the ground, "Mind repeating that for me?"

Preparing to reply but before I could get out a snarky comment Dax cut me off. "Enough! Fighting amongst ourselves isn't going to get us out of our predicament. If we hope to escape we have to work together. Then when we get home you can resume ripping each other's throats out to your hearts content." Dax made intricate movements in the air with his hands, putting an emphasis to his point.

Usually I would have agreed but at the moment I was beyond furious at the male I shared a cage with. About to go off on Dax, Jake jumped into the conversation knowing my intent from the look in my eyes. "Avian, don't. You know he is right. There is no point in punishing Dax with your words. Calm down my friend." Jake tried to sooth.

Huffing out in annoyance I spoke in a relatively calm voice, "I know Dax is right, Jake. Though I am still mad at Bao. I will put my anger aside for now." Turning to gaze out into the distance as night was falling. The stars starting to make an appearance.

"So what do we do?" Jake stood up, his back cracking in the process making him let out a sigh of relief.

Noticing a few people coming our way I slightly turn towards my boys, "I have a loose plan forming, though first we have company." Their attention snapped up to the figures of our so called hosts that have graced us with their presence.

A man with a large build was openly studying my figure took in my figure as if I were a piece of meat. His watery blue eyes taking on a predatory air. Long blond hair covering half of his head as the other half was clean shaved, a few braids running through the loose portion. A smirk gracing his lips, bringing my annoyance to a higher level. "King's Blade Avian I presume." His voice deep with a gritty undertone, grating unpleasantly on my ears.

Not acknowledging the one who spoke instead I chose to glare at his companion who happened to be the person I spoke with earlier. He didn't utter a word. Instead opted to grin towards my direction as if I were an old friend as he stuck more to the shadows.

The two men weren't alone. A handful of what I was guessing were guards stood at attention behind them. Shifting my gaze back to the man supposedly in charge as he waited for my response. His feet shifting underneath him in growing agitation.

My lips pull into a sneer showing my disdain for the blond man, "It is apprentice. I have yet to take over for my father." Crossing my arms letting my eyes take on a harsh coldness, giving him a glacial glare. "Who are you to keep me.....us prisoned here? What do you want with us?" I nearly snarled, barely keeping myself in check.

"Please forgive my rudeness. Where are my manners?" He chuckled more to himself. I however rolled my eyes. The man staring at me from the shadows lightly laughed as he caught my slight movement of attitude. "My name is Bartholomew, leader of the rogue bandits. Next to me is my second in command Alex. As for what I am going to do with you. Well that is a bit complicated."

"Enlighten me." My stance stiff not giving anything away.

Bartholomew took on a dark air, "The King you serve massacred our villages. Killing hundreds of our people. As your King never leaves that castle of his, we cannot take him prisoner. You were our next option. Therefore I captured you and your companions. We are taking you to the surviving elders in order for them to decide your fate. You are to take your King's punishment on his behalf as you are in line to ascend to be his Sword. It will likely end in death for you. As for your companions, it would be better for my people if we left no loose ends." Bartholomew's tone growing sharp as a blade.

I clinched my fists closed to keep myself from attempting to thrash this major prick. Pressing myself against the cage bars I allowed a snarl to come forth from my throat, "That is not fair. The King's actions are not my own. Why should I be held responsible? If you have a problem it before him? Isn't it just as cruel to subject four innocent people to death for the actions of another?"

At my clear disrespect his face gleamed a red hue from increasing anger, "Life itself isn't fair. Is it fair to let hundreds of innocents die without seeking revenge against the man who is at fault? You are the King's right hand, are you not? Or at least you soon will be. Which is good enough for me and many others as well. If the elders do decide to keep you alive then a note will be sent to the King. If he wants you back then he will pay dearly for you."

He turned to walk away from the cage stopping a foot away. Turning around in an afterthought. "Oh and don't try any magic. That is if you are actually a user, which I doubt you are. The cages are enchanted to stop any kind of magic usage." With that said he scoffed as he made his way to his camp.


Hello again! I hope you enjoyed your time in the Hidden Kingdom world. As I have stated before any advice or comments are welcome. It helps improve my writing further and I do enjoy hearing what you guys have to say. Now onto the third part of this four part update!

As always, Vote, Comment, and Keep Reading. Onwards!!!

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