Back! Have not loss anything tho :(

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I haven't lost anything as you can see by the title.
The good thing is that my puppy Rosie is fully vaccinated but is 14 weeks and here is the reason why. We forgot one week when she needed to be vaccinated which then made her get her last needles the next week with all the other needles, so that means... I can take her on walks and get my motivation up again and 2 more days and its holidays!

I have been having much more healthy foods since Rosie needs to be puppy trained so I need to train her at one house, not going to 2 locations all the time. My dad is much more healthier than my mum (my mum thinks she's healthy by having tacos, dessert, etc). My mum does know what is healthy and what but way to many calories in tacos and things that I constantly have over there.

I'll talk to you guys later when it's the holidays!

Hope you reach your goals!

P.S. I got a ukulele 3 days ago and I'm really good for a beginner haha!

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