Upon hearing my name, it was no surprise that he scrambled to take my card. He quickly swiped my card on the portable payment machine.

"Let me confirm, Miss" He called their store as I waited in silence. "Miss Porter, there are ten available bottles in our local branch, there are six in the branch an hour from here. I'm afraid the delivery schedule is full in the other branch... but I could deliver the ten."

"We'll take all six bottles. I can have one of the hotel staff pick it up in an hour. Thank you."

"Yes, Ma'am."

I pulled out the Staff Pass and turned to the staff who called me. His name tag read Toby.

"Toby, take one of the hotel service vans and pick up the wine from their other branch. Ask the delivery person for their address. He didn't have to be told twice and took the Pass from me.

"Lucy, keep this a secret. Have Toby report to me immediately when he returns. I need to return upstairs to change for the event." I'd already turned my back when she called my name.

"Miss Porter, t-thank you. Thank you very much!"

She looked too young to be working full time in our hotel. Did it make sense that that hurt my heart? I smiled softly, "Be more careful next time."

It was a whirlwind after that. The makeup artist complained that we hadn't got much time as he ordered me to shower. As one person did my hair, and another my face, a third person came in to gave me fake nails. A grueling process that took almost two hours, shy one hour before the event.

"Miss Porter, Miss Anyna Ruiz has requested for you." I nodded at the staff before waving off my artists. Anyna was staying in one of our most expensive family suites and when I entered, she looked up at me.

Anyna was bedecked in a royal blue ball gown. The sweetheart top was studded with real Swarovski crystals and the skirt was made of shimmery material. She had to travel to France twice for the fitting of this gown. Her blonde hair was pulled up into an elegant bun held in place by a diamond tiara. In her ears were two half-carat diamond studs and aside from that, her only adornment was a ring on her left hand. My eyes widened when I realized that was her engagement ring. She immediately covered it with her left hand.

"Hi," she said weakly. Anyna looked drawn and tired. Even the makeup failing to mask her paleness.

I smiled at her encouragingly. "You look gorgeous, Anyna!" with that gigantic ball gown, I didn't know how I was going to hug her. Even with her obviously distraught state, this girl was gorgeous and I couldn't help but feel excited for her. She just turned eighteen and she was definitely the star of today's party.

Seeing my legitimate glee, she laughed. "I'm scared already! Stop it!" Anyna gestured for me to sit beside her on the lounge chair and she linked her arm through mine.

"You look like a lady! Who would've thought that?" I teased.

She laughed, "You too! You don't look like a prude today. Which is as it should be considering you'll be with me in most photographs and I positively abhor anything that ruins my pictures."

A knock sounded before I could answer. "yes?"

A staff poked his head in. Toby! I gestured him inside. Anyna was quick to raise an eyebrow. Toby was already handing back the Staff Pass to me.

"We got it, Miss." I nodded my thanks. The staff was gone and Anyna was quick to ask.

"Who was that?" Suspicion laced her tone and I laughed.

"It's one of the hotel staff. I told you Mom put me as one of the executive managers for your event. Like a birthday gift for you."

She pointed to the card, "And that?"

"Staff Pass" I showed her, and she took it from my hand. "In case of emergency during the event." So I ended up telling her about what happened with Lucy and the delivery guy. How I gave Toby the staff pass to take a delivery van to the branch. Anyna's eyes widened at my story.

"Isla, Dom Perignon--!"

"That's why keep it a secret. I... it's just too sad. She looked to be our age."

Anyna's frown of disapproval greeted me. "I told you not to be too nice to everyone! It's their job, Isla. If they can't do it well it's good call to fire them! That's how it goes!"

Another knock sounded and this time, Anyna's makeup artist came in. When she saw me almost sitting on my best friend's gown, I was quickly ushered out and told to return to the event hall.

It took one step into the hall to be wowed. Everything was covered in deep blues and silver. All the tables were covered in silver silk and for the centerpiece were glass bowls of blue roses. There was a gigantic crystal chandelier hanging twenty feet above the center of the hall and it was refracting light in every direction. They left a stage in the center for the dance floor. The lighting manager was already preparing the spotlight and the ushers were busy leading dignified personalities into their designated seats. In one corner, I see they hired an orchestra already playing a soft tune and the waiters were already serving the visitors champagne.

Everything seems to be going well. So I went to my designated table, that with my family.

"There she is!" my mom pointed to me from the crowd of people she was with. Her own circle of friends. Obediently, I came to my mom and kissed her on the cheek, "I was just telling them how you are a part of the hotel team who organized this place." I flushed. The organizer Anyna hired did most of the planning . Our hotel was simply the support staff who followed their lead. I wasn't even the leader of our hotel staff.

"I didn't do that much mom," I awkwardly answered.

My mom rolled her eyes and her acquaintances laughed, "don't be shy darling! Isn't she too modest?"

When they dimmed the lights, everyone went to their seats. Dad was talking to his own associates somewhere from the back before coming to sit beside mom. But twenty minutes in, I noticed that the emcees were frantically talking to each other.

"What's going on?" Dad asked.

I realized his eyes were on me. "I-I'm not sure." I stood and saw a waiter coming my way. I waved for him to wait for me by the wall and I went to him.

"Is there a problem?" I asked.

Panic was contained in those eyes as he wiped sweat from his brow.

"Ma'am, y-you see... the celebrant... is missing. Miss Anyna Ruiz, the heiress, I mean."

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