A soldier salute, "Aye aye! Of all the things to doubt, not my fashion sense. It's just wrong to doubt it. Like ever."

She happily went back to the racks and now, I worried about myself more. Anyna's shopping concentration was really remarkable if you ask me. But then...

My best friend was engaged and I could not believe it.

"How about this one?"

"That neckline is too low."

"So what? Your boobs are B! It won't looks slutty." She insisted on a dress, pushing for me to try it on.

"Next," I said.

Anyna grumbled under her breath, "How 'bout this one?"

"Yes, let's show my butt to the whole word."

"You haven't even tried it yet!"

"I can tell just by looking."

"Such a prude! There's nothing wrong with showing some skin from time to time." complained Anyna.

"If you show skin, you can't expect people not to look. I don't want them to look."

She looked at me as if my logic was failing her, "Isla, they'll only see it, they won't be touching it!"

My mouth fell agape, "Touch? What are you talking about? All the more no!"

In the end I had to stand up and help her look. Anyna's debut party was going to be more like a business gathering. Most of the guests are big time or medium-sized businessmen, wealthy local and international personalities, and the media will be there to flaunt the crowd associated to the Ruiz name. That along with the grand party to celebrate their daughter's coming of age.

Which means, I wanted to blend into the crowd. But at the same time I didn't want to disappoint my best friend who seemed determine to change my closet. We got to the back of the store when I noticed a red cloth tucked into the end of one rack. I pulled it out and promptly stopped. I went back to the front of the store to a tired and frowning Anyna.

"How about this one?" I showed her the dress

Her eyes widened and she clapped her glee, "Where'd you get this? I love it! You gotta try this one."

I was ushered into the dressing room. It was a glitter lace, turtle-neck dress that showed off half my back, empire waist and trumpet skirt whose end would be grazing the floor should I wear five-foot heels. Anyna knocked, tossing me stilettos in silver . Somehow the red of the dress complimented my extremely pale complexion and willowy structure. I was far too small at the height of 5"1. My hair is waist-length and black and my eyes a deep blue. Anyna sometimes called me Snow White. That skin as white as snow, hair as black as ebony and lips as red as blood thing was spot on but if you asked me, being this thin, I looked dead if not for the red lips.

"I already know the shoes match, don't thank me!" 

I was handing the sales lady my card when Anyna pushed it away. "You better wear that, or else!"

I laughed.

It startled me when she promptly threw her arms around me and started squeezing me in front if the staff. "I'm so lucky to at least see my best friend wear something so red and so mature! You're all grown up now!"

I playfully pushed her away, "You say that as if you're leaving. Stop being so dramatic."

That night, we ate fastfood. I don't know what's gotten into her but she wanted a Mcdonald's. I mean, I have nothing against them but Anyna called fastfood joints as "disgusting".

"You sure?" I asked her doubtfully.

"I wanna try it. I know you sneak into these places when I'm not around."

After eating there, she vowed never to eat fast food ever again. I had to roll my eyes.

I can't help but seriously feel like something was going on. But if I thought about it, this was probably normal seeing as she's about to announce her engagement... and after that, the wedding is already sure to quickly follow.

Back then, I didn't know what she was about to do. It never came to mind that she was going to do something as drastic as that. Had I known, I would've never worn that red gown. Never let her pay for it in the first place. Not when in the future I would realize the mess she would be leaving me in. One dress and a pair of shoes couldn't pay for the trouble I'd be in.

In case you're wondering why I'm so quick to post, I'm merely translating. I had this written in my first language so...

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