Paranormal Activity

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You were sitting quietly on the lounge, lights were off, sat with your legs curled up and a half empty bowl of popcorn sat next to you. Why am I doing this you thought to yourself? Every time you watch these damn movies you become absolutely terrified and yet, they release a new one and you're right there waiting for its release. You're literally torturing yourself right now.

Your eyes were wide, hand brought up to your mouth, without even knowing it you're holding your breath. Why on earth were they still living in this place? I mean if this were me I would have been out of there the second any of this freaky shit started happening. Like just light a match and walk away, bye-bye haunted bullshit house.

Everything silent, you're watching, waiting for the jump scare, you know its coming. Everything in you is screaming look away but you can't. Your anxiety is through the roof, gosh they're dragging this out.

Then, just at the exact moment something grabs the dude on the screen, something grab's your shoulder. Honestly you're not sure who's scream was louder, the character's or yours. You've never moved so fast in your life. You leapt to your feet, the bowl of pop corn tumbling down and spilling all over the carpet. You turned expecting to find some messed up little girl wearing a white torn dress with long black hair and a decaying face but instead you're met with an immature ginger holding himself up on the back of the couch laughing.


He had tears streaming down his face from laughing so hard, you most likely had them too but for an entirely different reason.

"Jesus Fucking Christ" you said, holding your hand to your chest, feeling how quickly your heart was beating. "You legit almost gave me a heart attack Ed".

He was still laughing, he had to take of his glasses and wipe away his tears. How dare he find this so bloody hilarious.

"IT'S NOT FUNNY" you shouted with your arms crossed angrily.

He put his lips together trying his best to hide his amusement. Chuckles still escaping his lips as he moved around to where you were standing with his arms opened wide. He engulfed you in a bear hug as his chest continued to jolt from the hilarity of his little prank.

"It's your own damn fault you know" you could hear the smug little smirk on his face, even with your face buried in his chest. "You watch these bloody Paranormal Activity movies and work yourself up" he continued. "You were basically asking for it".

"You're not even meant to be home" you mumbled into his shirt, your heart finally beginning to calm.

"I finished earlier then expected" he pulled you away from his chest and brought his lips to yours. His attempt at a I'm sorry kiss, you could see straight through him.

"So your all mine for the night?" you said seductively while biting your lower lip.

"All"..... he paused and kissed you again..... "yours" giving you another.

You looked up into his eyes, they were turning dark with lust. Perfect, right where you want him.

"Excellent" you stated pushing him away suddenly and turning your attention to the popcorn spayed across the floor. "You can clean this up then". You gave him a quick peck as you walked past and headed out the door.

"Do you really want to walk all the way upstairs alone? They always lay waiting for you in the bedroom you know"...... he still had that smirk on his face.

You stopped dead in your tracks and looked ahead. Looking upstairs and into the dark doorway of your room you weighed up your options. Your turned around and made your way back into the room and plonked yourself back down on the lounge, leg's and arm's crossed.

"Fine, but you're still cleaning that up, then you can go first and offer yourself up as bait" you pouted.

He chuckled before moving over to where you were seated. He leaned down and brought his lips to yours again.

"You're incredibly adorable when you're cranky my dear" he said as he turned around and began to pick up popcorn..... laughing once again. -_-

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2018 ⏰

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