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Wow, 7K reads, thank-you!!

I'm not going to bore you with a meaningless  novel but I just wanted to give each and every one of you a massive shout out for taking a moment to read my ramblings. Unfortunately life often gets in the way for me and I can find it quite difficult to find the time to write uninterrupted. I will however endeavor to update whenever I can squeeze it into my schedule. This may mean 2 months, this may mean 4 hours between stories.... whatever works works and aye, it's better than nothing!

As cliche as this may sound please don't forget to vote (and comment if you feel like saying hi), this often reignites the inspiration spark within and encourages me to find the time to unleash my imagination.

Because I'm feeling extra fuzzy this evening I'm going to leave you with a little reminder.

"It is our own mental attitude which makes the world what it is for us. Our thoughts make things beautiful, our thoughts make things ugly. The whole world is in our own minds, learn to see things in the proper light."

Light & Love Elle xxx

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