Last Ch. (part 1)- I'll be here by your side. No more fears, no more crying

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****I really hope you guys enjoy this!! Thanks for everyone who stayed with me throughout this whole book!!!!!

I stepped out of the shower smelling fresh. "I'm going to make you look stunning." Leah announced with a big smile. How come Leah is always ready before me? She was wearing a black and white striped body cone skirt with a loose navy blue tank top. "You look awesome!" I exclaimed. She became even more excited and replied, "Thanks Love." I brushed my wet hair out and blow dried it. As I looked in the miror, Leah walked behind me and held up a dress. I guess the one I'm supposed to wear? It went to about mid-thigh. It was a pale pink, one shoulder dress. The dress had a thin belt right below the chest. I liked it! (Ashley- yes I'm describing ur dress. I love that one!) "Very good choice!" I exclaimed.

Soon enough, I had the dress on. It looked great on me. My hair was curled perfectly and makeup just right. This dinner cruise had to be perfect. I's the last time I'll see the boys for a while. And i might talk to know. There was a knock on the door. A very loud knock. "Hurry up! We're waiting in the car!" Harry yelled. We grabbed our bags and tried to walk fast in our heels. Haz was wearing a white shirt with a navy blazer. "Looking good Harold." I said while slapping him on the bum. He just rolled his eyes. But seriously, he was looking good.

-At the boat-

Everyone looked really nice! Louis had trousers, a white button shirt, and suspenders. "Hey Emmie." Lou exclaimed. I pointed at his shirt and he looked confused. "No stripes?" I said. He chuckled and replied, "But I've got my suspenders!". He pulled them out and they snapped back. I still love that boy, he could always make me laugh. We boarded the big, fancy boat. Round tables were scattered everywhere. The lights were low, except the dancefloor had some funky lights. "Over here." A fancy worker said. He lead us to a table that said 'One Direction'.

"Once the dinner starts we have to perform for a little." Liam said basically just to Leah and I. Surprisingly, there were a lot of people around our age. But they looked really rich and were with their families. It was too fancy here to do anything!

Somehow a cesear salad ended up in front of me. Geez, these waitors were quick. We ordered our food ahead of time, so the chefs had more time to prepare. "Welcome everyone! Thank you for coming." A host said a little too happily. He talked about safety, just in case something happened to boat. Then he said, "Now here is One Direction!" Liam stood up first and they all followed behind him. Haz looked like he knew what he was doing. He was born to be famous.

Everyone on the boat was clapping. But Leah and I stood up and cheered like crazy. Zayn took the microphone and announced, "Here's One Thing." The music started and Liam's angelic voice began singing. "I've tried playing it cool. But when I'm looking at you, I can't ever be brave. Cause you make my heart race." Leah and I actually sang along. It was so fun to have your friends on stage. Liam was smiling at Leah the whole time. Leah and Liam were perfect. I hope that after we leave they stay together forever.

"So get out, get out, get out of my head! And fall into my arms instead!" They all sang while jumping around. Even though they were all singing, I could hear all of their voices. Espicially Harrys because...I know his voice too well. They also sang I want, What Makes You Beautiful, and Everything About You. Right now it was Harry's part of Gotta Be You. "Can we fall, one more time. Stop the tapes and rewind. But if we walk away I know I'll fade. Cause their is no body else." How come he gets the flawless voice? When they all sang "Its gotta be youuuuu." I started laughing, because it reminded me of when they sang "Hazza and Louuuu." That seemed such a long time ago. When Haz and I were in the sauna. When he never let go of my hand.

"Here's our last song, More Than This." Niall said. I have to say, they were singing this song the best so far. The chorus was so beautiful. Zayn looked at me and my stomach twisted into a knot. He took a deep breath and sang, "I've never had the words to say, but I'm asking you to stay for a little while inside my arms. As you close your eyes tonight, I pray that you will see the light." We never broke eye contact and it was killing me. His verse of this song just reminded me of everything. How I sang it in the shower and he came in. Then he didn't kiss me...and nothing went back to normal. I was aching so bad inside. Of everything...Zayn, Louis, this feeling for Harry. I know we're all friends again and it's all good, but i needed to leave this floor. "I'll be right adjustment." I lied to Leah and raced to the bathroom.

No one was in there thank god. I sat on the toliet seat and locked the stall. Those evil butterflys wouldn't go away so I clutched my stomach. I felt scared. It wasn't all over after I go home. Was it? I would just go back to my house. Harry would go off with the boys and I wouldn't see him often. All the drama between Zayn and I was gone. Louis knows it won't work out between us and were still friends. Even if Harry doesnt like me in this way i like him, we'll still be the same as before.So what's wrong with me? Whenever I thought of going home, I thought of Harry leaving me. Truthfully I was scared another girl could replace me. So many girls are in love with him. I took deep breaths, but couldn't calm myself.

Harry's POV:

My singing slowed down when I noticed Em running off the bathroom...during our performance. Something was wrong. As I sang the song, I tried to get Leah's attention. She finally looked at me and shrugged. Why wouldn't Em tell Leah whats wrong? Thankfully, Liam ended the song, "Can love you more than this." Everyone clapped but I just wanted to get off stage. "Thank you so much!" The host said while shaking our hands. Everyone sat down and I raced to the bathroom.

Em's POV:

The door of the bathroom swung open. I held my breath so no one could hear my shaky breathing. "Em?" A familiar voice asked. Harry. "Harry! It's a damn girls bathroom." I yelled holding back tears. He replied, "I dont care." The door opened again and I'm guessing some girl came in because she screamed. "Why are you in here?" She spat. "Sorry...the errr boys restroom is closed." Harry replied slowly. The girl went back out though. Wow, it wasn't that big of a deal.

"Em what happened?" Haz asked. We could hear that lady from the outside the door saying theirs a boy in here. "Just let me in, before she murders me." He said. I unlocked the door and he came in. Harry pulled my arms away from my stomach "Why are you so scared?" He asked trying to focus his worried eyes on mine. "I don't even know. It's just Zayn was sorta singing to me. It reminded me of lots of stuff. I just feel kind of scared." I mumbled. 5, 4, 3, 2, and comes a hazza hug. Then he hugged me tight. I knew it. "Let's go talk up on the deck...not the bathroom." He said looking into my eyes. That is probaly a good thing.

I didn't let go of his hand and we walked up to the top deck. Could i hold his soft hands forever? No one was up there. Today's my lucky day. The breeze felt good and the water was beautiful. The stars were even out! We sat down on two chairs. "Why do you feel scared? Just tell me Em." He begged. Really, I was scared to go back home. I always wanted Harry on my side. "I don't want to go home and leave you." I said looking at hands. Haz chuckled, "Why would I leave you you're my other half." My other half. Thats a lot to say. What am I saying? Were best friends. Harry tilted my chin up, so I wasn't look at the ground. He took my hand and put his flat agaisnt mine. I chuckled, we used to always compare our hand sizes when little. We used to have the same size hand. But now mines tiny compared to his.

"I've never left you...ever. Why think so now?" He asked. I never lie to I said, "What I haven't been telling you is a little selfish" He told me to go on though. "Well theres so many girls out there...who fancy you. I'm just afraid I could get replaced and forgotten." His mouth formed into an "o". "Same here." He said. "What?" I asked. Haz continued, "I'm afraid when I'm gone you'll get a guy back home. And I won't be your number 1. I mean every guy is all over you." Oh my god, is he serious? He's freaking famous! "Haz, no way is that going to happen." I said while laughing. He was still serious though. Is he really afraid to loose me? "Ok Em, Zayn and Louis already liked you this trip. Even Niall thinks your hot. You've had many boyfriends. I told you you would keep getting prettier. Yes I admit it's true. I've noticed each year more and more boys go after you. You'll get in some big relationship and forget about me. But I won't forget about you. I'd do anything to stay will you Em. Even if it was dating eachother. You are seriously my other half. We've been with eachother too long to just forget about eachother." Harry explained. Holy shit...Haz has never told me anything like that! And he'd even date me. For the past couple days I've been waiting to hear that. If Niall was somehow in my head he would be telling me to admit my feelings for him. Now that he's in front of me...I'm chickening out. I never chicken out in front of guys! Shit. "Harry I'd never leave you either." I said while hugging him.

**Don't worry there's a part 2 haha:) btw I've been wanting to ask....who's ur favorite character in this book? And what's your favorite part ?

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