Ch. 17- Don't even care about the table breaking

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Part 2 of It's Always A Good Time...

"I'll have the strawberry" I said to the waitor. We all sat in our favorite milkshake shop. "You guys should of came on stage, it was awesome!" Niall exclaimed. Leah shrugged and replied, "Yeah, by the way Harry and Em's verse near the end of the song was so cute." They all agreed with her. But Haz and I looked at eachother and laughed. Louis put his arm around me, beacuse we were supposively dating. "Here you go." The waiter said handing us our chocolate and strawberry milkshakes. "Thanks"

Niall asked, "Why don't you two" and pointed to Lou and I, "hold hands in public?" Doesn't Niall know were not really dating. "We don't want a ton of rumors going around" Lou replied smoothly. Niall just shrugged. Maybe going in public would be a bad idea. "And why didn't you tell any of us you sing?". Liam asked. Harry slowly rose his hand, "She told me". Liam chuckled and said, "Of course, I should of known. You sounded great though. Your born to be on stage!". I smiled back at him and sipped my strawberry shake. One direction just complimented me on my voice! Yeah!

"Let's get going. Ive got to drop Austin off at her house". Zayn said while smiling at Austin. Gross. We walked out of the milkshake shop. Niall chuckled at me. "What?". I said. "Come on, hold hands". He said. Oh my god Niall! He doesn't understand what FAKE dating is. Louis and I awkwardly reached for eachothers hands. So far from this vacation, I found out when Zayn holds hands he interlocks finger and holds on tightly. Because he's very protective. Louis holds regularly, but swings his arm happily. hazza interlocks fingers whiling fiddling his thumb with your thumb, he alway moves his thumb around. Not sure why. I hold his hand a lot actually, but it's in a normal way.

Some fan came squealing over to us. "CAN YOU SIGN MY ARM?" she yelled. Liam took the pen from her hand and signed her arm. "Thank you so much! And Louis is this your girlfriend?". She asked curiously. Oh crap...we can't let out in public that we're dating. Because we're not really dating! This is so confusing. " cousin". He blurted. Once we got away Zayn, Niall, and Austin looked suspicious. "You're cousin? Really?". Zayn said. "Remember we dont want it in public yet". I said. He smirked and said, "Well I wont believe your dating until you kiss". Poor Louis and I. We were getting nagged on.

I looked at Harry and he was trying to hold in a laugh. Well I kind of had to kiss Lou. Before I even could think Lou grabbed my neck. Soon enough his lips crashed onto mine. They weren't soft and gentle like Harry's. Or warm and sexy like Zayns. They were just Louis-ish. Haha. Oh crap...we said we wouldnt kiss. Look at us now. I didnt respond much to the kiss so we broke apart. "There!". I said to Zayn. He looked a little hurt. But he asked us to! Louis was there grinning at me like crazy. Ok...kind of creepy. That kiss, no offense, wasnt special or anything. He was lit up though. I hope he didn't feel anything. Lou grabbed my hand again and we all went to the car. Wow, I just kissed a 20 year old.

*At home*

Leah, Liam, and I went in the backyard. We had our pjs on and all. I was in grey sweatants and a loose white v neck. Gosh, out here reminds me too much of when Haz and I snogged. "You and Louis looked pretty coupley, eh" Leah brought up. "Yeah...I did not expect us to have to kiss though". I replied. She laughed. Leah was on Liam's lap. I still think they're perfect for eachother.. I might have to give in to snuggle buddies tonight, I'm in the mood. Speaking of the devil, Haz walked outside. "Hey bro!" I exclaimed while jumping up. He came over and did the signature boy handshake. I went along with it while laughing, he taught me. He sat down on the bench and said jokingly, "Hey sis". Haz grabbed my hips and made me sit in his lap. "Woah a little forceful there Haz" I joked. "I was hoping for a lap dance". Harry said trying to be serious. "okay, your wish is granted" I replied going along with it. So I got up and stood between his knees facing him. Hazza looked wide eyed. Does he seriously think I'm gonna lap dance with him?. But I just stood there while we cracked up. He Pulled a dollar from his pocket and stuffed it down the front of shirt. "HARRY!" I yelled. God that boy. "Way to totally stuff your dirty hands down my shirt" I complained. . "I think you should leave the money in and see what everyone else says". Leah suggested then went back to talking with Liam.

I sat back on Harry and he said, "Did you gain weight? Your bums massive". Gosh he is such in a cheeky mood. I snorted and wiggled my butt on him causing him to have fits of laughter. The door slid open And Louis came out with beers. Of course. Niall and Zayn followed also with beers. "Anyone want one?".louis asked. Harry shoved me off of him and grabbed one. "Harry!". I complained. Niall said, "Woah careful there with the girl Harry-WHAT THE CRAP IS IN YOUR SHIRT EM?". I looked down at my chest. Oh I forgot that Harry shoved money down my freaking shirt. Leah looks at me and laughed. She just really wanted to see their reaction. "Looks like someone took a trip to the stripping club" Louis said while cracking up. "She gave me a nice lap dance" Haz said with a cheeky grin in his face. Liam just had to add, "She did...I saw it". I ripped the mney out of my shirt and gave it back to Harry.

Louis handed me a beer. I wanted one now. Everyone else had some except of course daddy direction. Daddy direction has proven himself differently this trip though. I mean look at him. Leah's sitting on liam with her legs wrapped around him while snogging. Go Liam go! I secretly laughed to myself.

Everyone kept getting more beers. But at least we're not in public like at the party. Plus Liam wouldn't let us do something crazy. I didn't mind getting a little drunk. Harry plugged his iPod in the speakers. "Whistle" came on. It's basically both of our new favorite song. Luckily Harry doesn't have any neighbors close by....the musics always cranked. Many empty beer bottles were on the ground now. Ive had 3...but it doesn't take me long to get drunk. I ran out into the grass myself. Niall finally came out. "HEY NIALL BABE" I screamed. We held hands and spun around like crazy. Niall and i tried to whistle along with the song. We motioned for everyone else to come out with us. And they did! Except Liam...and Leah they were snogging.

Lou and Harry were DRUNK. I couldn't tell if I was or not. Louis pressed his body against mine and sang, "Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby. Let me know" I nodded and yelled, "I can!". "Girl I'm gonna show you how to do it and well start real slow. You just put your lips together and come real close". He sang as if he was explaining. "Wow, do you know your being really perverted". I said. After whistle "Riverside (Let's Go) came on". Its Harry and my dance song.

I jumped on Harry's back and we sang, "Riverside...let's go! Dun dun dun dun dun". Louis did his pat the dog screw the lightbulb to extreme. Niall was lying on the ground...not sure why. "Me plus you, that equals better equations. We must do, do subtraction of your clothes". We kept singing. Harry now ripped off his shirt. That always happens. So we basically danced around crazily...drunk. I was tired though. Harry and Louis collapsed on the ground. So I laid sprawled across all of them. My head on Louis' abs, my bum on Harry (of course) and legs on Nialler. Sweet dreams.


I feel strong, muscular arms wrap around me. I smile into whoever Is carrying me's delicious smelling shirt. Who the hell is this? I squint my eyes open and see a very blurry Liam. Liam? No wonder why Leah likes him. I like being held by him. He could tell I was awake because he whispered, "Shhh, I'm carrying all you guys in, go back to sleep". I told you Daddy Direction would take care of us. Over his shoulder I see an exhausted Hazza stumbling behind us. Liam Probaly refused to carry him up.

I got plopped onto the bed and a kiss on the head. Harry also was next to me now. I threw my shirt off. It's always too hot at night. A bra and sweatpants as pjs? Weird. Even though Haz was asleep I forced my arms around him. I shoved my face into his strong, warm chest. "So you decide to do snuggle buddies now?" Haz mumbled in my ear. It kind of freaked me out. I didn't know he was awake. "Sorry" I whispered moving away from him, even though I didn't want to. He said, "No I like snuggle buddies! I'd rather have you than a pillow" I chuckled, he always says that. Haz shuffled over to me and slipped his arm around my torso. God, I wanted to freaking cuddle him up right now. What has gotten into me. We tangled our legs tightly together and my face was in his chest again. "Love you Em". He mumbled with his chin on the top of my head. I turned my head up and kissed the bottom of his chin as a response. He smiled. Maybe snuggle buddies wasn't so bad. I liked the warmth of his body. It was easy to fall asleep knowing I was secure in Harry's arms.

***Kind of a crazy chapter... Haha! Thankkkks for voting and commenting!! :-)

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