Ch. 10- I would find lots of things. clothes, shoes, diamond rings

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When I woke up it was only 9. But I feel like I've slept for hours! I threw on a pair of sweatpants from PINK and a white v-neck.Harry was sprawled out on the bed snoring. Usualy id take a picture and post it on twitter. But i just wanted to go downstairs.

Lou greeted me in the kitchen. He looked really worried though! "What's up Lou?" I asked. He bit his lip and finally blurted out, "I kicked out Amber". THANK THE LORD. i wanted to give him a big hug. Except he looked sad. "Oh" was all I managed to say. He has to of gotten the text then. Lou said, "Im so sorry. I didn't know she was being all bitchy to you! Why didn't you tell me?". "Well I knew you two were

friends". I mumbled. I really didn't know why I didn't tell him. "Amber was annoying on this trip anyways". Lou said with a shrug, "Ok but we weren't meaning to mess up anything between you guys! And since we're up...wanna do something fun?" I asked. Lou lightened up a bit and thought deeply. He finally said, "I've got an idea!". Lou took my wrist and dragged me outside. Oh god, what were going to do?

He grabbed two golf bags from Harry's garage. What! Are we playing golf or something? I laughed and joked, "Golf? Seriously Lou?". "I just like messing around on the course". He replied, acting like what he said was totally normal. I had no clue what is going to happen. We ran to the golf course, which happened to be far. I've done so much running this week! For some reason, once AGAIN we stole a golf cart. "What is with you and golf carts?". I say, flinging my arms in the air. "I'm not sure". He said. Then he tried to act serious and stare me down. I was winning the staring contest when he pushed the gas really hard. "LOUIS!" I screamed. I almost fell completely out of the golf cart! But he just laughed like crazy. That boy.

For about ten minutes we drove around really fast. There were these grandpas in a golf cart in front us. They were going SO slow! I sighed. We've been stuck behind them forever. "HEY YOU! COULD YOU GO ANY SLOWER?" Lou screamed while beeping the horn like mad. Louis swarmed around them, in the grass, and got ahead. One of the grandpas gave Louis the finger. This made me laugh hysterically. You should of seen Louis' face. Lou pulled up by a group of girls who were about 15. "Watch this". He said. Ah shit! This cant be good. We walked out of the golf cart and over to them. They noticed us and started whispering to each other. But I don't think they noticed it was THE Louis Tomlinson.

Louis told them he works here and helped them swing. Then the one girl said, "Hey wait a minute...YOU'RE FREAKING LOUIS TOMLINSON!" The girls all scream while jumping up and down. This made me laugh a little. Not to brag, but I see him everyday! Randomly one girl asked while pointing to me, "Is this your girlfriend?". Louis thought for a couple seconds. Probaly thinking of a good comeback. "She happens to be my daughter". Lou said trying to act serious. The girls jaws dropped. They're actually falling for it. I said, "Come on Dad, let's go". Louis held my hand and we went back in the golf cart. When I looked back, the girls still were in the same shocked position. Louis stuck his hand out in front of me. I gave him a high five. "I'm good,aren't I?" Lou asked proudly. I replied, "Yes you are!". Then ruffled his hair. Lou was such a fun friend!

"Should we go back then?". He asked. "I mean, I could do this all day...but sure!". I say while shrugging. So we drove the golf cart back to wear it belongs. "How have we not gotten in trouble?". I ask. "No clue!" Lou responded. But seriously, how?

Guess what I got to do AGAIN? Run back to the house! Ugh! Lou just has to alway be running around. Once we were back, everyone was on the couches. But they were yelling at us. But we couldn't understand what they were saying, since they all were yelling at the same time. Lou looked at me and started laughing! I just shrugged. "WHAT?". I yelled. "WEVE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU GUYS EVERYWHERE!" Haz informed me. That's it? "Sorry we just were up early and went....golfing". Lou explained. "Golfing?".they all calmed down and said at the same time, "You two?". We nodded really fast with a big smile on our face. "Ok well, we're going shopping for the party". Leah said. "Yeah!". I exclaimed. I freaking love shopping!

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