Ch. 18- And I will steal us a car and we will drive to the stars

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I was so soothed and warm. Everything around me smelt like Blue De Chanel (claire aha)...I helped Harry pick out that sexy cologne. My head kept slightly rising up and down on Harry's chest. I tried to match his breathing pattern. Why dont i snuggle with Harry every night? "Shhh" Someone said. "They look so cute". "I want to join". "I wonder what happened last night, they were drunk too". "What If they actually 'did' it? She's dating me too!". "Take the picture, then we do the plan". I was too tired to open my eyes, I was half asleep. "But they look like babies". What the crap? Who is all talking? Then I heard a snap, like a camera. I rubbed my toe on Harry's to see if he was slightly awake. He didn't move though. SPLASH. Wet crap flooded over me. I screamed, what the hell? I opened my eyes, but Harry moved on top of me. Probaly trying to protect me from whatever just happened. Harry yelled in a morning voice, "GET OUT". Now I understood...everyone splashed water on us. Thanks guys. We were soaking, same with our comfy bed.

"Sorry!" They yelled while laughing out of the door. The door shut. Thank god. Haz and I were back in our snuggle position again, not moving. I didn't want to get up. But I forgot we were lying a wet bed. Ugh. I pressed my lips on Harrys chest for a while. I poked his abs. His chest vibrated from chuckling. "Good morning four nipples boy". I mumbled. "Morning sunshine, can we stay like this forever" he replied. But seriously, I don't want to get up. I just barely untangled our legs and wiggled out of his arms. Harry kept pulling me back. He groaned, "No, come back my baby penguin". That's a new name...? "Get up you little dimplely man". I said trying to say a weird nickname. "you have to come here then my stripper/lap dancer". He said whiling laughing. Oh my god!! I blurted out, "crotch boy". He shrieked and added jokingly, "Massive bum" "Curly hair". "Tangley leg girl". This went on for a while. Untill I decided to be nice and said, "Really nice smelling friend" He stopped talking and smirked. "Uh...cuddly, cute baby bunny". He said. "WHY AM I A BABY PENGUIN AND BUNNY?". I laughed. He's so random. He laughed and explained, "Fine! Your a girl standing in front of me in a bra and is soaking wet". Wow, that's the best he can think of. "I get that in return For saying you smell nice?". He nodded happily, "I meant it I a good way". I slapped my forehead and laughed, "I give up".

"This bed is so much colder without you" he whined. I replied, "Or it's just the fact your lying In water". Haz jumped out of bed and said he forgot. He now layed down on our couch. My goodness, he will never get out of bed. I reajjusted my wet hair. Why do I still smell like Bleu De Chanel? I walked over to harry and said, "Smell this" while shoving his face into my sweatpants. "You smell like me!" Harry said slowly while smiling up at me. "Let me see if your bra smells like me too!" he added, trying to get away with it. "In your dreams Haz. I'm going to put a shirt on". I said while shaking my head.

***A couple days later***

Yeah so about two days passed. Louis and I have been with eachother a lot. But we luckily weren't forced to do kiss. We all even went go karting. Actually everyones been having a blast hanging out. Except zayn...hes been stressed out. I feel bad. Did I tell you were going on a fancy dinner cruise? It's the last day before we leave and the boys have to sing there.

Someone yanked my hips into a random closet in the hall. It had to be Harry, he always pulls me by the hips.

"Hey it's me, Haz" he whispered. "What's up?" I asked. Why wouldn't he turn on a damn light. "Well...Austin ditched Zayn" awh, poor Zayn, I needed to talk to him soon. "So Louis and I are breaking up?" I said while fake crying. Even though I couldn't see him, it's a moment where he rolls his eyes. Hazza said, "I guess...bye". Then he ran out of the door. Ok?

I took out my iPhone and sent a text to Louis -Hey Lou, wanna have a nite swim?(: Emmie.x- truthfully i just wanted to tell him we dont need the continue the plan. While I was on my phone I went on twitter. I haven't been on for a while. One of the most popular trends was #Snugglebuddies. What the crap! I started to get nervous...they did take a picture of us. And if that got on twitter! I first checked Nialls wall... "Awh, @Harry_Styles and @EmLuvsHerBabyHaz are just so cute. #Snugglebuddies". And by the way Harry made my twitter...don't make fun of me. Then there was the picture I was hoping NOT to see. Wow...That puts a good impression on me. I was in a freaking bra and Harry in boxers. Once again, wow. On Liams page (How could he do this to me?) it had to same picture but said "The two cheeky chappies enjoyed a nice night together". I was now pissed. My twitter was blowing up with messages so I turned It off.

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