"Shit! For a tall man, you make very little noise."

"That's momma's complaint every time I burst into a room." Oliver laughed. " Elio can you help me with the dogs, Chapman is being stubborn."

"Oliver, what do you expect from a nineteen-year-old dog? He doesn't nothing that he doesn't want to do, you are going to have to carry him to Chris and Davids."

Oliver hung his head and nearly pouted.

"Ugh, I knew when we went for our walk this morning I should have just taken him there." Oliver groaned.

"Well I will leave you to it, Luca, just pack up whatever needs to go we've already got everything we needed over at Chris's," Elio said while pushing Oliver out of the room.

Heading to Chris and Davids with the two dogs, Oliver looked at Elio smiling at him. He lifted the hand he was holding to his lips and kissed it.

"What was that for?" Elio asked.

"It's because I love you and I've been thinking."

"Oh? What have you been thinking about?"

"I've been thinking that we should finally get married, at the end of the summer. Once the house is back in order let's just get married." Oliver stopped in the middle of the road, holding Elio's hand like they had in Rome and gave him the best kiss of his life.

"L'eternità è dove voglio stare con te. Sposiamoci." Elio spoke against Olivers lips.

"E nell'eternità saremo il mio Elio."


The following morning everyone was sat at the table eating breakfast, the table had been moved outside to better suit the family's daily routine.

"Christopher I don't know if I can cook in your kitchen, I didn't know how to work the oven." Annella said waving her hand.

"Nonna you don't have to cook, you are a guest David and I will cook." Chris smiled.

"Oh please, we are family what is this guest nonsense. And name the last time you cooked in your kitchen, m?" She eyed him.

"We use it all the time, I made me a midnight snack last night," David said.

"Ah, I need to stop feeding all you kids, one of these days I won't be here to cook for you." She waved her finger at them.

"Where will you go nonna?" Mini asked with a concerned look on her face.

"Oh, my sweet piccino I will go and be with you great nonno. I miss him very much, it's been a long time since I've seen him." Annella kissed Mini on top of the head.

"Who will make us cookies and tell us stories and read to us? I don't want you to go live with great nonno."

"Piccino it will be a long time before that happens. I will see you grow up and maybe get married too."

Mini wrapped her arms around Annella's waist and squeezed tight.

"Mini nonna is definitely not going anywhere, because then there would be no one to toss dish towels at me." Oliver chided Annella.

"Oh, that's because you deserve it. Walking in and scaring people all the time. One of these days it will be a pan."

The front doorbell rang as everyone was finishing breakfast, Oliver answered the door. Stood on the front porch were Luca and Timmy.

"Welcome! Come in come in." Oliver opened the door for the guests.

"Hey! You made it, it's great to see you, Timmy." Elio greeted Timmy with open arms.

Summer, 1983 (I'll call you by mine)Where stories live. Discover now