The Book of Vanitas

Start from the beginning

"No... Oh..." Amelia was embracing me from behind and I turned my head to look at her, surprised. "Amelia ?" Her cheeks were still red and she was panting like before.

Before I could understand what was happening, the vampire that I didn't really know pushed me And Amelia bit his neck to suck his blood.

He went on his knees before finally pushing her away, putting a hand on his neck as the others passengers panicked and ran away. Blood was on the floor as he stepped away.

"... I'm not cold anymore... ?" Amelia spoke in wonder. "I'm warm...❤ More... Give me more blood !!" She exclaimed as a black liquid was coming from her eyes and her chest, the gentleman put an arm in front of me for protection I supposed but his expression was one of shock.

Then dark briars came from the ground and attacked the passengers that were near, including me, she tried to jump on me but the vampire got here and grabbed her wrists.

"Mlle. Amelia, stop this." He tried to talk to her as I struggled to break free. "Don't you understand ? Vampires are forbidden to attack humans. If you persist in this, they may dispose of you !!" He exclaimed.

She screamed and managed to push him back, visibly not listening to him, she went to attack him but the attacker from earlier arrived and pushed her away, also getting me free as I landed on the floor behind the tanned man. 

"...Good grief. There, you see ? I told you you'd get hurt." He spoke to the man in front of me who was as surprised as me. "Just as I thought, her symptoms manifested."

"And !? Did you figure it out !?" A man with short, messy, light brown hair and bright red eyes asked as he was carrying a fainted passenger away.

"Of course." Our savior responded. "Unbearable chills. ...The black tears that spilled from her eyes and chest, and... ...shadow briars." He enunciated Amelia's situation as he pointed a finger at her. "Malnomen--- Eglantine, Prison of briars." He stated.

"Mal... nomen...?" The vampire wondered, having a painful expression on his face as I inspected his neck.

"That's what we call the remains of true names warped by the "maladies."" He explained. "True names are vampires' lives, and that woman's has been warped. That's why she's lost her sense of self and why she can't fight the impulse to drink blood, even though it's generally easily controlled." He kept talking.

Amelia went to attack with her briars but the one with brown hair shot it, destroying it with a gun. "Hey, quack !" He called out, to the man in front of us I deduced. "Quit jawing and finish it !" He yelled at the "quack".

"Don't be so impatient, baldy !" He retorted to his... comrade ?

"I'm not bald !"

As I was distracted by their petty argument, the one beside me grabbed the quack's coat. "Are you... going to kill her ? Are you one of the Church's Chasseurs ? Or are you a Bourreau, an executioner, come to dispose of her !?" He interrogated, seeming panicked to me as I stared at him with a curious gaze.

"Pfft !" The quack let out a cakle. "Me, a Chasseur ? A Bourreau ??" He repeated. "That's rich !" He exclaimed, finding it funny as we were both surprised by his reaction behind him.

"---Non !" He answered. "I am a doctor. One who specializes in vampires." He turned his head to make eye-contact with us. "I came... heal her !" He stated with a smile.

He took out a book and just like the gentleman next to me, my eyes widened as I recognized the object in his hand.

'A blue leather cover and jet-black pages, a clockwork grimoire linked to a silver chain...' The book's description repeated into my mind.

Vanitas x OC : The Moon's curseWhere stories live. Discover now