100K Reads Celebration + Contests!

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Marie: Holy shitaki mushrooms

Marie: Holy shitaki mushrooms

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Marinette: What's going on?

Marie: I-I... t-this... W-WHAAAAAAT

Alya: What's so shocking??

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Alya: What's so shocking??

Nino: Yeah what's going on?

Adrien: Is there croissants???

Marie: N-NO LOOK!!!

Marie: N-NO LOOK!!!

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Marinette: OH MY-


Nino: You can say that again :O

Adrien: Amazing

Hawkmoth: All thanks to me



Marie: THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! I honestly couldn't do all this without you amazing readers :)))

I started this book not knowing how many reads it would get or if people would like it

I was a big fan of Miraculous Ladybug, still am, and I wanted to do a random book about it

I never knew it would be this popular and I'm so happy and thankful :D

I can't even express my gratitude to you all SO THANK YOU, MY FANATICS!!!

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