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"I dare Adrien to talk to Marinette's parents."

~~At the Dupain-Cheng's house~~

Adrien: ......

Sabine: .......

Marinette: ......

Tom: ......

Adrien: *starts whistling awkwardly then takes a sip of water*

Marinette: *picks at the table cloth*

Sabine: So!

Tom: Sooo!

Sabine: *blinks at Tom* Anyway, how long have you two been dating?

Adrien: *chokes on water*

Marinette: Mom! >/////<

Sabine: What, honey? I need to know these details so that my ship can sail!

Tom: But you don't have a ship...

Sabine: Ssshhh, dear, it's a fangirl thing, you wouldn't understand

Adrien: A-Actually Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng, that's what I came here to ask... if I am able to date your daughter

Marinette: :OOOOOO *internally screaming*

Sabine: Oh of course you can!! I can see that the two of you clicked the moment you met

Tom: You have our blessing :)

Sabine: ... for the marriage

Marinette: MOM!

Adrien: >////< I uh thank you!

Sabine: Just remember to use protection anytime you two-

Tom: FENCE! Those swords are sharp

Marinette: W-Will do... xD

Adrien: Thank you both again :D

Sabine: I'm waiting for grandchildren so you two better be quick!

Marinette: *faints*

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