On the Road Again

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Marinette: Whoo! I'm driving us home! Everyone say goodbye to the hotel!

Adrien: Good bye hotel!

Marinette: Vroom Vroom hah! They see me rolling they hatin!

Adrien: This is why I love you <3

Alya: Awe man you guys are so cute

Marinette: *blushes*

Adrien: *sneaks a quick kiss on Marinette's cheek*

Marinette: Eh, Kitty you're distracting me from driving >w<

Nino: *woke up from a nap* Alya can you pass me a bag of chips

Alya: T_T why can't you act like Adrien for once *passes him Doritos*

Nino: Love you

Adrien: You hungry bugaboo?

Marinette: I'm good thanks :)

Hawkmoth: I'm hungry :3

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