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Nino: O_O

Alya: T_T really...

Marinette: Aw!! I really like this one! :D

Adrien: Awesome dare Charlotte

Alya: Heh... I should be going now.. my blog is calling me..

Nino: Yeah! Me too.. I have to... go to the.. store.. and uh.. buy.. stuff..

Marinette: *pushes Alya into Nino*

Adrien: *pushes Nino into Alya*

Nino and Alya bump into a kiss, their faces start to heat up until Nino holds her close. Alya's eyes widen but ends up going with it.

Marinette: *fangirls* AWWW

Adrien: Yes! Nice man!

Plagg: Ew. This is much worse than spoiled cheese inside a dirty sock..

Tikki: Well when this cute scene is over, guess who we're gonna have to hook up next...  ;))

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