Music Confusion

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"Hey, Marinette! So, what'd you say about that little flirty thing you did you did to Moon Child (aka Luka)? Don't deny sweetheart, you clearly put your hand on his shoulder when he helped you up. And I noticed when you widened your eyes when Luka *cough* *cough* LEANED *cough* *cough* towards you. I'd say you two became such teasers. So, back to topic, why did you act flirty? *brings tea cup to mouth*"

Marinette: F-Flirty? W-What.. N-No >/////<

Alya: That is true, girl, like what happened with Adrien?

Marinette: N-Nothing!

Nino: Whoa, do we need to have another rap battle?

Alya: Or maybe a different kind of battle ;)

Nino: Maybe fencing?

Alya: Or a battle of the bands?

Marinette: No one is battling anymore! Especially not over me :(

Alya: I think we can blame Thomas for this

Nino: Yeah, remember with the whole Lila and Kagami thing

Marinette: Y-Yeah...

Alya: Back to the topic! So what was it between you and Luka, Mari?

Marinette: Nothing was going on... I was just a bit disappointed that Adrien wasn't able to come at first... and he kept me company for the time being

Alya: Yeah that was some nice company~~

Marinette: I'm serious! I didn't know what came over me... Maybe it was the way he played his guitar or the way he admired my bravery and cleverness... 

Nino: Yeah, it does seem like a difficult choice...

Alya: Well whatever you choose, Mari, we're here to support you

Nino: Whoever, you mean 

Marinette: Thank you guys. I mean Adrien apparently only sees me as a friend right now and I haven't seen Luka around that much

Alya: When the time comes, you'll know. *mutters* and Adrien better open his damn eyes or I am going to explode

Nino: Right now, I think you should focus more on yourself and don't stress out too much about it

Marinette: Maybe because I was so caught up in the moment to receive so much attention like that... I didn't know how to react 

Alya: It's okay :)

Marinette: Though, what I am sure of is deep down I know who my feelings are true to

Nino: Oh that's good, and that is?

Marinette: And that is-


Nino: Whoa really? *insert lenny face*

Marinette: Wait, what???

Alya glares at the author sneaking a croissant inside her bag. Hawkmoth peeks out from behind her and adds some cookies along with it.

Marie: Shhh... Don't mind us *blasts away*

Hawkmoth: WE'RE HUNGRY *poofs away*

Alya: Hahaha, I'm sure you didn't mean Marie, Marinette, so who were you about to say

Marinette: Oh I was gonna say-

Adrien: Hey guys, sorry I'm late

Marinette: E-Eh! Hey, Adrien!

Adrien: My photoshoot was taking longer than usual, anyway, what did I miss?

Marinette: N-Nothing!

Alya: Mari was about to confess her true feelings for someone

Marinette: H-Huh?! N-No!

Nino: Come on, Marinette, tell us

Adrien: Yeah what's up?

Marinette: It's uh.... *looks around frantically* Uh-!!!!

Alya: Come on, girl... We're not gonna stop asking :3


Alya: WHAT

Nino: WHAT

Adrien: W-What *blushes slightly*


Hawkmoth: MARIIIII YOU RAN OUT OF COOKIES DO YOU HAVE MORE- Oh hey, what's going on here?

Marie: HUSSHHHHHHH some complications have begun DUN DUN DUN *insert dramatic chipmunk*

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