Nothing Human

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B'Elanna Torres stepped out of the turbolift on Deck 6, but not wearing her engineering uniform. Instead, she was wearing a short yellow sundress.

Paris whistled as he saw her. "Looking good Lieutenant."

"Don't try anything fly boy, I'm going on a date."

The helmsman frowned. "Much better than about to listen to the doctor. May I ask who the lucky man is?"

"Oh, one of the Ensigns from Engineering. Excuse me, I need to be in time."

The blonde man's gaze followed the half-Klingon as she went to the holodeck doors.


The Engineer entered the holodeck. The program that was running contained a French restaurant in the mountains with a view on the sea.

"B'Elanna." a voice said.

Torres turned, seeing Ensign Vorik. He was wearing simple human clothing.


The young Vulcan walked towards her. "You look stunning." and he offered her a pineapple half containing a drink.

B'Elanna took it. "Thank you."

"I took the liberty of reserving a table with a view of the sea as you did express a fondness for that particular vista."

Torres frowned. "I did?"

The tan skinned man nodded. "Five days ago in a conversation we had in Engineering regarding holodeck programmes."

"I guess maybe I did. You have a good memory."

"Of course."

"Well, then, Vorik, let's go."


Paris was standing at the bar in the mess hall with a big pot of coffee before his nose when B'Elanna entered with her date, a Vulcan.

"Hey, Neelix." the half-Klingon greeted the Talaxian with a wide smile.

"Ah, B'Elanna, how are you and Mr. Vorik doing?"

"We're fine. Could you prepare two salads for us? Vegetarian please."

Neelix nodded. "Of course. I'll bring it to you."

The two engineering officers sat down near one of the windows.

"I did not know you enjoyed vegetarian food." Vorik remarked.

"I'm just broadening my taste pallet." the Chief Engineer told, pacing her arms on the table.

"Adventurous. An admirable quality."

At that, B'Elanna smiled.

Tom huffed as he saw it, drinking another cup from the pot before pouring another.

"Something's bothering you." Neelix remarked as he was preparing the two salads.

"It's just that B'Elanna is spending more and more time with Vorik. There's no place for me and Harry to interact with her anymore." the helmsman said.

"Are you sure of that? To me it looks like you're jealous."

Paris slammed the cup down on the bar, spilling half of it. His action turned heads in the mess hall, not that he saw it. "That's it, I'm gone!"

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