Seven of Nine

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It was a joy to hold her daughter in her arms, even though she was almost a year old.

The caramel color of her skin contrasted with that of her mother, but that was to be expected when her father was dark skinned.

Just when the Captain placed her daughter in the crib, the comm sounded. "Chakotay to Janeway."

"Go ahead." the woman answered.

"Captain, we need you in Engineering. There's something here you should see."

"On my way. I'll be back soon, T'Aimnu." and she kissed her daughter on her small forehead.


"What have you got?" the Captain asked as she entered the engineering section.

"Some bad news. The long range probe we sent out two months ago has stopped transmitting." the first officer replied.

Torres looked up from her monitor. "At first I thought it was a problem with the communications grid, then I cleared up the last few seconds of telemetry. Take a look at this."

It was shown on the monitor that the probe was taken inside a Borg cube.

The native American turned to the human woman. "This could be it, Captain. Borg space."


"We don't know exactly how many vessels are out there. but their space appears to be vast. It includes thousands of solar systems, all Borg. We are no doubt entering the heart of their territory. There's no going around it, but there may be a way through it." the Captain told.

"Before the probe was disabled, it picked up a narrow corridor of space devoid of Borg activity. We've nicknamed it the Northwest Passage." Chakotay said.

"Unfortunately, the passage is filled with intense gravimetric distortions. probably caused by a string of quantum singularities." B'Elanna reported.

Paris crossed his arms. "Better to ride the rapids than face the hive."

The former Maquis nodded. "Exactly. We're going to set a course for that corridor. and go into full Tactical Alert. Where do we stand with weapons?"

"I have reprogrammed the phaser banks to a rotating modulation, but I suspect a Borg vessel will adapt quickly." the Vulcan replied.

"We can use every edge. Ensign?"

"I've already configured the long range sensors to scan for transwarp signatures. An early warning system." Kim answered.

The Commander nodded. "Good work. Doctor, how are you coming on the medical front?"

"I've analyzed every square millimeter of the Borg corpse we recovered three months ago. I'm closer to understanding how their assimilation technology works, and I might be able to create some sort of medical defense."

Chakotay nodded. "Redouble your efforts." and he turned to the Talaxian. "This is your top priority. Neelix, I doubt we can resupply the ship any time soon."

"No problem, sir. I'm working on a plan to extend our food and replicator rations."

"We have to act fast. The Borg have captured one of our probes. They know we're out here. We'll do everything in our power to avoid a direct confrontation. but if and when we do engage the Borg, I'm confident that we'll be ready. I have faith in each and every one of you. Let's do it."


"I want to cut down on the time it takes to seal off the decks." the native American ordered the Ops officer.

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