Sons of the Admiral

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"New transfers?" Kira asked.

Sisko nodded. "One junior engineer, one junior command officer and one junior medical officer. Their records are quite something. Just read this one."

The Major took one of the records from the Commander's desk.

Lieutenant-Commander Zophar Kirk, junior engineer with a minor in micro technology and a major in trans warp beaming.

"He's half-Cardassian, are you sure that's a wise choice?" the Bajoran woman asked.

"I'm not in charge of that." the human replied.


A small shuttle arrived from the USS Excelsior, carrying only three passengers.

Security Chief Odo stood at the entrance portal to greet the new officers.

The first transfer to come out was a young man in a blue station suit. He was young, most possibly around his twenties, with Vulcan, Hatorian and Bajoran features. His hair was dark brown, as were his eyes and he wore no Bajoran earring. He greeted the Security officer with a wide smile. "You're Odo, right? I'm Sayal, Doctor Bashir's new assistant."

"You'll find the medical sign on the promenade, from here to the right." the Changeling said.

The young man smiled. "Thanks." and he went on his way over the promenade with his large bag carried on his back and a smaller suitcase carried in his left hand.

Then, the other two came out.

The other part-Bajoran without earring was wearing a red command uniform. His hair was blonde, his eyes greenish and his facial features were expressionless and his eyes radiated a cold sense of calmness like Vulcans.

The last transfer was half Cardassian, and quite a bit older than the half Bajorans. He had the usual Cardassian features, but less prominent. Also, he was quite some smaller than the average Cardassian he'd met.

"Lieutenant-Commander Zophar Kirk and Lieutenant Soval." the greyish skinned officer said. "Where must we report to?"

Odo looked on his PADD. "Commander Kirk, you must report to Chief Engineer Miles O'Brien. Lieutenant Soval, report to Ops."


Miles O'Brien wiped the sweat from his brow as he climbed out of a shaft underneath the floor. He sat down for a moment to catch his breath.

"Chief O'Brien?" a gentle voice behind him asked.

The Starfleet officer turned around to see another officer, who was part Cardassian. "Who're you?"

"I'm Zophar Kirk, I've been transferred here. I was told by Mr. Odo to report to you."

"Ah, yes. Now I remember. How much do you know about fixing replicators?"

"Micro technology is a minor of mine."

"Great, then we can get started."


Everything in Ops was quite peaceful when the turbo lift stopped there with a person on the platform.

Sisko turned around. "You're Lieutenant Soval?"

The blonde man nodded. "Reporting for duty."

"Very well. Major Kira will introduce you to your station workings."

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