The Light of the Prophets

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Soval had been meditating for four weeks at an end. Well, all the hours he hadn't been on duty. It was showing now, and the command crew was getting concerned.

"Worf, any idea what's up?" Kira asked one day, after the half-Bajoran had been particularly sloppy with his coding.

"He will not tell me." Worf replied.

The Major crossed her arms and looked at the ground. "I'll ask if Captain Sisko can make it an order to go see Doctor Bashir and Doctor Sayal. This shit is interfering with his duties, we can't have that here while we're still at war."

"I understand."


The Lieutenant in particular had been running tests ever since he'd felt unwell in the mornings before his duties. He didn't know how and what he should do.

All tests had returned postitive.

"Don't you think you should tell your husband about this?" Sayal asked, raising an eyebrow at his brother. "He does have the right to know."

Soval sighed as he placed his head in his right arm, elbow on his desk. "I am afraid, Sayal. It is so soon, too soon for my liking."

The medical officer sighed. "So what that the child you're having is Omaruu? Worf's not going to love it less because the kid needs affection."

"You forget we are talking about Klingons here." the Command officer pointed out. "They would never accept a child that would be too weak in their eyes."

"Just tell Worf. We'll worry about Klingon society later down the line."


Worf found his husband surrounded by Vulcan meditation candles, but he was not meditating. "What is on your mind?"

"I... discovered something that quite unsettled and worried me." the half-Bajoran replied as he slowly stood up. "It would have been joyous, had you been no Klingon."

At that, the former security officer frowned. "What do you mean by that."

"I am pregnant. Do not say anything yet." the Lieutenant said as he saw his husband's mouth open again. "The thing is... our child is Omaruu."

"I am confused." the Klingon said.

Soval threw a book at him, which Worf barely catched before it hit his face. "Read it and you will understand."

That was all that was said before the smaller man stalked out of their shared quarters.

The tall male looked at the book. It was an old book, pages turning brown from age and bound together by light grey reptilian hide. The title was written in a violent purple shade that said: 'An Explanation of Hatorian Differences for Dummies – written by Lady Tailania Kir, translated by Lady Illnoira Kirk.'


"So, what was it?" the Major asked as she found her best friend's husband in the back of Quark's bar reading an old book.

"Apparently, Soval is pregnant." the Klingon said, his eyes still on the words.

Nerys looked away for a moment before smiling widely. "Isn't that something to be happy about? Why aren't you two making it known to the command crew?"

Worf placed the book on the table, turning it to the woman. "Read what stands beneath the word 'Omaruu'."

Kira took the book from him and read the passage.


'The Omaruu is a male Hatorian with the capability to carry children. A good 33% of the entire Hatorian population has this defining second gender. When they are young, Omaruu children need a lot of affection from their carriers, female and Omaruu family members to stabilize their emotions. Their growth is slow, caused by the fact that their brains grow much faster than their physique. Omaruu are smaller, usually not becoming taller then 5 feet and 5 inch. Traditionally, their warrior fathers are not involved in their childhoods due to the fact that they lack the emotion to care. Omaruu children are incapable of ever becoming fighters in the physical way unless they are defined as Ohariu, the combination between an Omaruu and an Aharii. Usually, they do not have enough muscle mass to stop the blows of weapons. Their most likely careers will be Engineer, scientist, tactican, writer, artist, Ambassador or politician.'

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