The Lies Inside

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Back in the Captain's quarters, Janeway watched the last made prenatal scans while a part of her crew were on the planet surface.

She knew she should be on the bridge, but she was going to be a mother soon. Her belly had grown since the discovery seven months ago.

The baby was a girl, which Tuvok had accidentally found out when forming a parental bond with the unborn child. Ever since that moment, she'd been trying to pick a suitable name.


"Uh, T'Luna, I don't think we're alone. Mister Tuvok, run a lateral EM scan for me. Coordinates eight one mark four zero." Paris commented.

"Running scan." the Vulcan acknowledged.

Commander Meressa stood up from her searing in the Captain's chair, currently in command because both senior command officers were absent. "What is it that you see, Mister Paris?"

"It's like a reflection, something in low orbit when it moves into a certain angle from the sun." the helmsman replied, a bit unsure.

"He is correct. I am picking up an ionization trail. There is another ship in orbit." the security officer affirmed.

"Using some kind of cloaking device."

"It is not a cloaking device as we know it. I cannot say for certain what it is, but the ship does employ some kind of masking circuitry that has affected our sensors."

"Kim, open a line to away team. Voyager to away team."

"Go ahead."

"Any unexpected life signs down there, Commander?"

"Nothing but bloodworms. Neelix wants to bring some back for a tartar he wants to make. I'm trying to talk him out of it."

T'Luna pondered. "We're picking up an unidentified ship in low orbit. Collect your teams and prepare to transport back while we investigate."

Chakotay hummed. "Acknowledged. Chakotay out."

"Lieutenant, I believe a polaron burst may give us visual contact." Tuvok told.

The science officer looked at the view screen. "Do it."

There came a brief flash that revealed the silhouette of a ship.

"Kazon. Which sect?" Meressa turned around to the security officer.

"The hull design does conform to known specifications of the Kazon-Nistrim sect."

The half-Bajoran acted quick. "Voyager to Away teams. Return to the ship immediately."



Chakotay commed the people working behind the panels of the Transporter. "Transporter Room, get ready to begin on my command."

Harry looked around to check the group. "Where's Ensign Seska?"

"Chakotay to Seska. Transporter room, can you locate Ensign Seska's comm. badge signal?"

"Negative, Commander. I'm not reading any sign of her."

Kim looked at one of the hills. "She was picking berries with our group over by the hillside. There were caves nearby."

"If she went inside one, it might be blocking her comm. badge signal. The rest of you get back to the ship. I'm going to look for her." the first officer ordered before stalking off.

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