Unforgettable History

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It was time for Janeway's physical of the year, the same one everybody else had to go through. The EMH and Kes conducted all of them by appointment.

The Doctor frowned while he was scanning the woman with a full body scan. "Captain, have you had sex in the past two months?"

The brunette blushed lightly before answering "Yes." on a soft tone.

"That would explain these readings. There's a life form growing within you. I hope for you it was not a one off with the baby's father." the hologram said.

Kathryn shook her head. "I've been with the father for over half a year." and she sat up.

"You should alert the father about your baby. It would also be a good idea to alert me of the father, I'd like to prevent any genetic diseases should there be any running in both of your families." the EMH advised. "And of course, congratulations with your child."

"Thank you Doctor." the Captain said as she hopped off the examining table.

Kes was smiling. "Congrats Captain."

"Thank you Kes." Janeway said.

"So... who's the lucky man?"

"I'll reveal it too the crew later."

"Of course."


When she got back to the bridge, Ensign Kim reported his detection of strange compounds.

"Rust?" she frowned at hearing it.

"That's right, Captain. High levels of ferric oxide. Corroded iron particles." the Japanese Ensign replied.

"Iron can't rust without oxygen, there's no oxygen in space. Mister Paris, alter our course to follow that trail of rust. One quarter impulse."

"Aye, Captain." the helmsman said.

Kathryn turned to the science officer. "Miss Meressa, do the science scanners show anything else but the rust?"

"Long range sensors are picking up traces of complex hydrocarbons in the rust. Benzene, ethylene and acetylene." the half-Bajoran replied.

"That sounds like gasoline." Tom commented.

The former Maquis captain frowned. "Gasoline?"

"It's a liquid fuel that was used centuries ago on Earth. They burned it to drive internal combustion engines." Paris explained.

"How did it get out here?"

"I am detecting a small object. It appears to be the source of the rust and hydrocarbons." Tuvok reported.

"Put it on screen. Magnify." Janeway ordered.

They all stared at one of Henry Ford's old products, floating in space so far away from the place it was made.


Most of the senior crew gathered in the cargo bay after the pickup truck had been brought on board of Voyager.

"Apparently it is a ground vehicle from mid-twentieth century Earth." the chief of security said after taking his scans.

"It's a 1936 Ford, actually." the helmsman told.

"Mister Paris?"

Paris turned to his Captain. "That was the manufacturing date, 1936. Ford was the name of the company that build it. Antique vehicles are a hobby of mine." then he popped the hood and whistled.

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