First, I know you my entire life. We're twins! So I know you're getting the first flight from Moldova to get into Evergreen County to be with our family. Then, you're gonna pretend you don't know me and seek revenge. I know you pretty damn well, so I'll give you your first headstart. Look in the city for the Tony Padilla. He will know who you are inmediately. You don't know him, but you can look around for the brightest red Mustang from the 90s. Watch out, sissy.

Second, you'll get rid of this tape. Nobody knows the fact you're my twin sister, even though you and I are very different. You're irecognizable since you moved. And third, don't mess with Bryce Walker. He's the main reason this happened and, whether I'm in Heaven or not, I don't want to give you that same experience I got...

Be careful, Vanessa. I love you, goodbye.

The voice of the flight attendant broke the silence I was into, telling me that the flight was about to finish and the passengers shall go to the line. I was so into Hannah's voice I didn't even see when the people around me were already in the line. When I was in my place, I run again the walkman. I thought the goodbye was the end until I flipped to the other side. There's when I realized I've heard it sideways. The bloody coffee isn't working anymore.

I'll love to have my mom be my side, but I have the everlasting love of someone that treats me like a real daughter. I don't even know why the actual fuck I care about it. My life's a damn mess because of her. Someone I know once said: "My head hurts from overthinking. My eyes are red and swollen from crying. Mentally I'm drained. My heart hurts from the pain. In fact, I'm really broken for a player."

Wait, that's what I told you. I told you that when... When Flynn broke up with me. But, why are you quoting this?

"It was, the one and only, Vanessa Marie Baker. My eleven-minute older twin sister. Welcome to your tape. You might be asking... Did I do something to you, Banana? My answer is no, you didn't. Here's the story of how my twin sister got to study in Moldova, a foreign country in Eastern Europe with practically no reason to be mentioned. She earned it. She was the lucky one. She left since we were in eighth grade and I was stucked in America. My parents didn't let me go with her, maybe because it was expensive enough for one twin to leave or they wanted to have the problematic child under sight. Who knows? I'm literally jealous of Nessa. She didn't have to live this hell like I did. She was, is, and will always be the purest, fairest and most intelligent person I know. Vanessa not only was the heart of the family but also the Most Likely To Succeed girl. Her cunning, her way of expressing herself, and for now her hungry desire for revenge will be the bane of Liberty High. I can feel it, and I bet she does, too. Don't mess with my sister, people, or else you might get hurt."

And the tape finally finished. Little did I know that the plane was about to be empty, so I took my stuff and left. The people waiting in the international migration line was so long I felt sorry for the people in there. I passed through the national citizens's line, which was a little bit emptier, and as a matter of minutes I was outside looking for my mom. All I saw was my redheaded parent, wearing too much makeup, trying to put her chin up was pretty hard for her. I could see her sadness behind it. I walked fast and hugged her as tenderly as possible. We were both broken.

"How are you, Nessa?", she tried to break the discomfort.

"How am I supposed to be, mom? I'm here for a memorial", I sobbed. "We were just a few months after out seventeenth birthday. Why didn't she talk to me? I was always there. Or at least I tried!"

"I know, baby", and we hugged again "Let's go home, we need to get to the morgue after lunch. Dad's wanting to see you since you called"

And we walked to the car. We were far from the Everdeen county, but it helped me relax a bit. Maybe what I was about to do might help in the lawsuit. I can't risk any chances.

"So", my mother recalled "How's everything in Moldova, sweetie?"

"Despite the fact of that call at 2:00 AM in the morning, everything was alright I guess", I replied.

"Did you get to sleep? You've been in a long flight, Nessa. That's worth a little sleep."

"I haven't sleep in three days, mom. These... memories, are coming back and forth with Hannah. It's like they're haunting me", I sighed "I need to get to the buttom of this so that Hannah's memory can be remembered truly"

"That's why we hired the lawyers, baby. You don't need to do their job-"

"I think I need to, mom!", I screamed tired "It's just to relieve my conscience-"

"What for, Vanessa. What's the thing you need to relieve?"

"The fact that this wouldn't have happened if I was here for her. The reason why she couldn't go with me to Europe so she could have lived another life, mom. I need that redemption for myself, or else I can't go back to Moldova", I looked at her face. She stared at me concerningly, like if she wanted to understand what I'm feeling while driving in the town they're living now.

"You are so returning once we finish with this, Vanessa", she said serious.

"Ugh, Dă-mi o pauză, mamă (Give me a break, mom)"

"We're continuing this conversation at home, young lady-"

"I think we don't, mother. I'm gonna be busy in the morgue. After lunch. Mourning my dead sister while I still can, because I want to know as much as you do why she died, who led her to that, her lifestyle in this place, and everything I can get from here. When this whole stuff finishes I'm heading back to Europe, or whatever place I might go"

I reached the nearest sunglasses I could find and put them on. I can't vent all my anger with my mother when we were in the same situation, or maybe worse. I heard her sniff after I finished talking, and my already broken heart shattered. How is it possible that I could hurt so many people in such a short amount of time?

"Mommy, I'm so sorry", I whimpered "I shouldn't have spoken my heart out with you. And the lack of sleep isn't helping though"

"Don't worry, baby", she answered "I understand your concern, but I truly see you need to get some sleep. Don't you wanna get rid of those bags under your eyes?"

"I think I might rest at home"

"Nessa, you can get some sleep during the day. We aren't going to the morgue until 4:00PM and it's just nine in the morning"

"Yeah, I might just go straight to bed when we get home"

"You better do so, 'cause we are just a few streets ahead"


Second chapter is up!

Hope you like it!! 😊❤

See ya soon! :)

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