Kailu jumped to the edge of her seat, her pointed ears perking up. "Where is this note?"

Jalhro was taken back by her suddenness, her eyebrow arching. "I-it was found on his front door. What, don't tell me you know what it means?"

"No, just an idea." She leaned back and sipped on her wine as if nothing even happened, straightening her skirt as she added, "What's his address, by the way?"

This time, Jalhro didn't interrupt as Kindi said, "I shall write it down for you. Please, do inform us if you find any clues, regardless. We do worry for any members of the elite that may be in some sort of peril, you understand."

Kailu smiled. "Of course."


"Are you going to tell us what the message means already?"

Yunara's eyes were heavy. Their drinks with the Fas' ended late, and as much as she wanted to go back to the "inn", Kailu demanded that they investigate the scholar's house immediately, and that there was not a moment to spare. And apparently, giving an explanation along the way was out of the question. But of course, this was Kailu, so no drama could be spared, Yunara supposed.

"Isn't it obvious?" Kailu was gesturing to the thick wood double doors to the enormous estate they were approaching. In comparison to Lord and Lady Fas' ornate manor, it wasn't as grandiose. The word was more... whimsical. Behind them was an enormous man-made pond that probably stretched a few dozen feet long, the driveway leading up to the home wrapping all around it just to reach the house. All along the pond were shrubs and flowers that hugged the rim of it, but none of it was manicured in any way. The bushes were an unruly mess of leaves and flowers that spilled all over the road. Tall, wide grass blades grew all in between every which space they could fit, even coming out between bushes or through an overturned stone in the rim that closed off the pond from passersby.

The house itself was unusually colorful, the walls a bright red, contrasted by black wooden pillars that created the patio they stood on at the front door. The oddest thing were these brass rings that hung from the ceiling of the patio, their size reminding Yunara of the small hoops the dancers at the Qundi swung around their hips. They were sporadically spread across the patio ceiling, with no obvious purpose.

Kailu had a lantern that they'd gotten from a local merchant that illuminated the beautiful lettering on the note that was stuck to the door, written exactly as Jahlro described.

When the silver begins to sing,

The monkey will lead

Down the blazen road

Even better than a valiant steed.

- Shi'ran Dul

As Yunara and Manuel merely responded with puzzled expressions, Kailu rolled her eyes as if the answer was plain as day. "It's not a code at all. It means exactly what it says. Yunara, you have one of those silver bells in your bag, right?"

Once the realization dawned on her, Yunara slapped her forehead. She took out the bell, Kailu swiping it from her hand and letting it ring softly.

They paused, but nothing happened. No animals appearing out of nowhere. Nothing.

Manuel crossed his arms, arching his eyebrow. "And this couldn't have waited until tomorrow because...?"

"The faster we act the better!"

"It's probably two in the morning by now!"

"But think about it. Do you really think Lord and Lady Fas can be trusted? Luca was pursued for being Chosen even before we came for him. I don't know how, but I think the Aracs have a way of knowing who we are, and they've somehow sent the word out for others to come after us. Especially the ones that aren't with us yet, like Valentini. Lady Fas even knew what the note said. Kindi wanted us to inform them if we found anything! They may be looking for him as much as we are."

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