Chasing Cars - Christophe De'Lorne

Start from the beginning

"CHRISTOPHE!" Miss De Lorne shouted, cutting me off. God dammit, what's up with the cutting off? A young boy, around our age, ran down the stairs. He had brown hair, green eyes, and a shovel on his back. "Zese children are here for you." She turned around and left, leaving us with the brunette. A cigarette stood out of his mouth, the tip heavy with smoke. He inhaled and looked closely at the boys.

Kyle shifted under his gaze and looked at Stan. Stan let out a squeak and pointed to me, "S-she has something to ask you." I closed my eyes, rubbing at my temples. Why did I even agree to this? I felt a presence extremely close to me and opened my (e/c) eyes. Christophe stood right in font of me, his cigarette on the edge of his hand. He pointed it away from me and motioned for me to speak. But the Stan spoke up, "Hi. Uh, we're going to rescue Terrance and Phillip from the USO show and we were just-"

I quickly put a hand over Stan's mouth. "We're going to save Terrance and Phillip. You in?" Christophe nodded and I pressed my mouth closed to hold back a scream as Stan began to lick my hand. I used my other hand to smack him and turned back to Christophe. "So, The Mole, do you even speak?" 

He smirked and nodded, "Oui, I speak. Who are you? You already know who I am, so Gregory must've told you." Right then and there, my heart melted. It fell away into a puddle, which Christophe scooped up in a bucket, and was holding hostage. I began to blush and stammer, my heeled boot scuffing on the porch. He raised an eye, "Belle?" 

When he said that single word, my eyes snapped up, "My name is Y/n, and we will be going to the USO. Let's go." And with that, we turned and left, my eyes constantly looking over at Christophe.

*Time Skip to the USO Show* 

Gregory stared down at the army, then turned back to us. "It will take them close to ten minutes. We should relax a little, but stay on our toes. Who knows with Christophe." I nodded, the whole way here he was worrying about Christophe's performance. When I asked why, he just replied with, "Somethings are better left quiet." Whatever that meant.

I gingerly placed my hand on his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "They'll be okay, and so will we." I turned back to our 'troops'. I don't exactly know how Gregory got so many students to join, but I have a feeling it had something to do with the fact that Wendy was on his side. "We won't let them kill Terrance and Phillip! It's time to show them we aren't going down without a fight!" I let out a battle cry, and the other kids followed with their own. I glanced back to Gregory, who had a small smile on his face.

He gave me a hug, "You really know how to rally up the troops." I just laughed and hugged him back, motioning for Wendy to take my spot. She came and gave him a hug, almost instantly. 

"Of course, I learned it from the best." Wendy let go and we all looked over the edge, down to where Christophe was untying the Canadians. Cartman ran over to the boys, and although we couldn't hear what he said, Stan and Kyle's looks of horror said it all. They hadn't shut off the alarms. Sure enough, the alarms came blaring out of the speakers, causing Christophe to jump. He cussed a few times and hopped back into the freshly dug hole, three guard dogs going after him. 

My adrenaline sped up, and although Gregory and Wendy tried to hold me back, I race down towards where the other end of the hole was, worry now coursing through my veins. Tears began to fall down my face, me constantly rubbing them away as I ran. I stumbled a few times, but made it just as Christophe hopped out of the hole. He had blood drizzling down his lip, his hair was a mess, and he was shaking horribly. Kyle set him in his lap, and Christophe coughed. "Ze....Ze alarms...............Zey......Zey....went off." 

Cartman gave a nervous chuckle, "Yeah, that was my bad." My gaze turned to him and I growled, taking a step towards him. "H-hey, watch it now, Y/n." Cartman stammered, looking away. 

I pounced on him, landing blow after blow to his face. "YOU FUCKER! YOU ASSHOLE! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" I screeched, not caring who heard me at this point. Stan came up from behind me and dragged me away, "LET ME GO! YOU BASTARDS! I WILL-"

Kyle muttered a quick, "Shit!" And my eyes flicked over, to him, and to Christophe. His green eyes, once filled with life, were empty. I let out a sob and ran over, hugging him in my arms. No! He wasn't dead! He couldn't be! I rocked him back and forth, humming the song he had finished singing only mere minutes ago. 

Tears slithered down my nose and I grabbed his hand, placing it to my face. "No, Christophe, no." Although they saw me, the boys did nothing. They didn't touch me, not wanting the same fate as Cartman. Who, right then, had two black eyes, a bloody and broken nose, and finally, a fat lip. "Don't leave me, I-I love you." The boys, who had just been talking, hushed, taking in the sight. I closed my (e/c) eyes and pressed my lips to Christophe's. Underneath me, a vibration began. And then, Christophe pressed our lips together, tighter. We pulled away, breathless. 

"I love you too, Y/n."

If I lay here

If I just lay here

Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

That actually took me two days, but eh, it got done, didn't it? Cute, no? Okay. *Begins to work on next story*

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