Chapter 44: Newly Born

Start from the beginning

"See y'all at graduation."

I head out the door and don't look back.

LOML💞❤️😋💦: We doing our hair rn Lando.

Me: You know we only have about fifteen minutes till we have to be there.

LOML💞❤️😋💦: You bein dead serious?!!!

Me: Check the time of you don't believe me.

LOML💞❤️😋💦:Well I'm done. I have a few finishing touches I have to do to her hair. Then we out.

Me: Want me to pick y'all up?

LOML💞❤️😋💦: I can manage. I have a license for a reason.😏😈

Me: Aight don't get it taken.🤨

LOML: Oh I won't.😇 Now stop texting and driving.😤😡

When I read the last message she sent I can't help, but to laugh. If I wanted to aggravate her then I would've texted back yes ma'am. I'm ready to cop this diploma and go to the after party.

Boy it's hot as heck outside. I gotta go to these people's graduation today. Gots to see my babies walk across that stage. I had mine last Saturday. Double D already helped me settle on an outfit to wear for today. I might as well look like a snack. I might as well not waste gas money so I asked moms to drop me off. When I make it to where the graduation ceremony is being held I see a mixture of graduates and graduating classmates' colors. All these people all up in my way. I push through climb up the stairs and find a seat. Now I have to wait on their school to go up on stage.

The teachers make sure our gowns, caps, and the rest of our graduation attire is on correctly. We are then placed in line alphabetically. Basically RJ and I are sandwiched in between Jaida and Orlando. The line moves forward and we all walk down the long narrow hallway. As we march in we pass cameras that projects our faces on the big screen. The energy was heightening my entire mood. I look around and spot Jaida's parents, Legacy, Gram, and my parents. I smile as I recite the Pledge of Allegiance and stand for the National Anthem. As the top people of my class spoke I zoned out and look around. This is really happening right now. I cheer on Jaida and RJ as they receive their diplomas. When I got mine I heard my supporters chanting my name and blowing air horns. I know for a fact I was cutting up when Orlando got his. We stood up and turned our tassels to the right side.

"I now present to you the class of 2018."

A quarter of my classmates threw their caps into the air. We walked out through the hallway. Now it's time to go celebrate.

I met my babies at the end of the hallway. I handed Orlando and La'Toya their graduation gifts. I stood there like a proud mother should. They are being successful and now I think it's time for the next step.

"Congratulations! Now I'm going to treat you all to dinner."

"Mom we going to a after party."

"Oh well have fun and be safe."

"We will Mrs. Washington. I'll watch Lando and make sure he doesn't get into anything."

I watch them walk with their fingers intertwined. I gave them the keys to Legacy among the other couples of gifts.

Me: Where y'all at?

RJ🚶‍♂️🤟: We in the front by the stairs.

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