Chapter 3: Beep Beep

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The sound of the last bell is music to my ears. Coach had us working hard in fourth block. In between the training I was still able to crack jokes. The sun was really trying to burn a brutha. I swiftly run to my truck and then begin backing up. Before I can back up all the way, I hear a car honking at me and slam on my brakes. I roll down my window and see a girl stepping out a hot pink Camaro.

"What's your problem? Didn't you see me behind you?!" She's yelling at me and moving her hands. I take a good look at her and realize she's that girl from second block.

"Nah I ain't see you."

"It's called a rearview mirror for a reason! You could've hit me!!!!!"

I rub my temples and look at her. "But I didn't. So move so I can leave." I can tell I've been pushing her buttons all day. She gets in her car, slams her door, and speeds off. I finally back up and pull out of the student parking lot. I smile to myself because for some reason I get joy outta making her mad.

I have never pulled out of the parking lot so fast before. I feel a tear running down my cheek. I quickly wipe it away. I can't believe I'm attracted to someone like that of all people. I could die in a car wreck and he wouldn't care. He's just so... I reach for my phone, but it falls on the floor. I reach down to pick it up and look back at the road in time to see that I am about to have a head on collision with an 18 wheeler. At the last split second I swerve off the road. Instead of hitting an 18 wheeler La'Toya collides with a tree.

I pull up to a ran down, yellow house. You can see the worn boards and cracked bricks. Instead of having stairs there are big, concrete blocks to step on to get on the porch. Instead of stepping stones there is bricks to step on instead. The screen door's white paint has chipped over the years. Every time it moves it makes a creaky sound. I get out of my truck and smell the air. The sweet aroma of tea cakes fills my nose. I lick my lips and my stomach growls in agreement. I knock on the door and hear a little shuffling. The floor boards creak.

"Who is it?"

"It's me Big Mama."

"Who is me?"

"C'mon Big Mama you know it's your favorite great grandson Orlando."

She cracks the door and looks at me.
"Come on in baby."

I open the door and close the screen door. Big Mama closes the door. I look at her and she's holding a rifle.

"Big Mama why you got this?!"

"Baby you gotta be packin' at all times especially because how the world is nowadays."  She leaves the room and puts the rifle away. She opens her arms.

"Where's my hug and kiss?" I hug her and kiss her cheek.

"I got some tea cakes in the stove they're gonna be ready in a lil bit. Imma go watch them. Make yourself comfortable." With that being said she left. I look around the living room and it's just like I remembered it when I was younger. From the box fans in the window down to the sheets covering the doorways. I sink down in the couch and grab some candy from the candy bowl. I pop one in my mouth.

"How's your daddy and mama?"

"They aight. They have to work late tonight."

"Did they tell you why?"

I heard her move around a few dishes. "They said some about something came up in the business. Big mama shuffles into the living room with a plate of big, melt in ya mouth, make you wanna slap ya mama, tea cakes.

"Careful they're hot!"

I try to get one only to get popped on my hand by a ruler.

"Didn't I tell you they're hot?!"

"Yes ma'am."

"Then why would you reach for them?"
Mental note to self I'm gonna say she was asking a rhetorical question.

"Boy wait until they're cool."

"Alright Big Mama."

Big Mama sits in her favorite chair and turns towards me. I feel like this is about to get serious.

"Baby I got to tell you something about your heritage." She pulls out a photo album from under her chair. The business your mama and daddy is dangerous. "They sla..."
The TV blared "BREAKING NEWS!"

"Turn the TV up baby."

"Good evening. There was a car crash that happened here this evening. The police investigated this accident. In this pink Camaro a high school student hit a tree. There was only one..." I freeze. There is only one person I know that
1. Is a high school student going in that direction.
2. Owns a pink Camaro.

Who knew a phone call could make your stomach drop within seconds? That's how it was when I heard about La'Toya's car accident. I couldn't hear anything else but a roaring sound in my ears. My reflexes shift into auto pilot. I hop into my car and speed off to the hospital. When I walk into the hospital it's like I'm in a trance.

"Keisha guh I'm being dead serious I told him if he didn't have my money by the end of the week this his a- butt is grass. Guh I couldn't say that I'm at work I can't be using profanity. Guh I ain't boujee. I'm not finna play with you. Here comes somebody. Imma call you back girl. On me I swear I ain't never finished working. Bye."

I somehow manage to walk over to the nurse's station.

"How may I help you?" "Ma'am!!!"

I snap out of my trance while the nurse is snapping in my face.

"My bad what did you say?"

"I said how may I help you."

"I'm looking for La'Toya Robinson."

"Lemme check my computer to see what room she in."

While the nurse is typing and looking on the computer my mind wonders to other places. I try to stay positive, but negative thoughts keep trying to creep in. In situations like this you have to be prepared for the worst.

"She in room 3330 that's on the third floor."

"Thank ya! Best nurse ever!!"

"Aye ya know it!!!"

I dash to the elevator, and rapidly push the button. Me being the person I am I have zero tolerance. Instead of waiting on the elevator I run up the stairs. My adrenaline must've kicked in cause never have I ever been able to run this fast without being out of breath. By the time I get to the third floor I hear the nurse say code red and hit the button that sets off the alarm.

Reconstruction of the LegacyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora