Chapter 5: An Unsolved Puzzle

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"So Big Mama whatcha gotta tell me?"

"Orlando I think you done found ya queen."

"Big Mama you tripping. I ain't gotta queen imma single man." I try to laugh it off, but I can't shake off this feeling. Big Mama's expression isn't helping things either.

"Alright since I'm tripping answer me this have you ever treated any other girl like this?"

I stop and think about it. In all my years I haven't done this to anyone else, but what that gotta do with anything?

"No," I say almost inaudible.

"Speak up ion think I heard ya."

"No ma'am."

"I'm going to explain why. For generations our ancestors have done this. The male goes out and chose a queen. Once he has chosen his queen a bond is created. Over the next few months the bond either gets stronger or weaker. By the looks of it I think y'all are getting a few steps closer to take over the legacy. Have you ever wondered why you never dated anyone?"

I sit there and try to absorb all of what she just said. I mean I really wasn't a guy down for labels and commitment. I had a few girls here and there. I never thought it was because of this legacy thing.

"Take ya time baby. I know it's a lot to take in, but I barely scratched the surface. I'll only answer one question. So choose wisely what you ask."

That isn't fair I have so many questions to ask. My mind is racing 100 miles per hour. I can't bring myself to even look up at my great grandmother. She barely scratched the deep is this stuff? It's my questions and I need answers now! I scratch my head and pace back and forth.

"Why am I just now hearing about this?"

"Your parents wanted to wait till the right time. I tried to tell them that there isn't a right time."

"What is the legacy?"

"Ask the man you call father."

I gasp and I wanna to rage. I want to punch the wall, flip tables, and lash out. Now is not the time especially when La'Toya is fighting for her life from my actions. I almost open my mouth to say something when my phone vibrates in my pocket. I see an iMessage from RJ. I slide it over and view it. It has to be Jaida's number. I call the number and it rings at least four times before she answers.

"Hello who dis?"

"It's Orlando."

I hear some rustling in the background and a squeal. I'm already a little worried about my "queen".

"Uh hello Jaida you still there."

"Oh my god he knows my name."

"Yeah I do."

"Omg you heard that I thought I put you on mute."

I sigh as she is talking on and on.

"Look Jaida I need to know how La'Toya is."

I try to hide the emotion in my voice and my voice kind of cracked. It barely cracked, but I hope she ain't notice it.

"She... She... they took her. I tried....I really tried... code red... they wouldn't lemme see her.... surgery....I don't know if she's okay...I'm scared I don't know if she'll make it...she was purple, blue, and red......scratches and bruises....internal bleeding."

I drop the phone and my heart sinks. I gotta fix this. I pick up my phone and Jaida is sobbing.

"Jaida listen to me nice and clear. Okay?"

*sniffle "Okay."*sniffle

"Tell me what hospital and what room. I'm on my way. La'Toya is strong. She's going to make it she has to."

After Jaida tell me the hospital and room I hang up.

"Big Mama we gotta have a long talk after all this gets settled."

"You got that right now go see about our future queen in the family. Give her this rose."

I take the rose in my grasp thorns and all. I run out of the house at full speed and get in my truck. I drive as fast as traffic permits me to go to the hospital. I maneuver through traffic and run red lights. I'm not sure about this "queen" thing, but I know for sure I don't want La'Toya to die.

Being on the phone got my mind off of what was going on, but it was a temporary distraction. Here I am over her gushing about a crush when my best friend is fighting for her life. I decide I've had enough. I need to make sure that no one can hold me back this time. I send Ryan to grab me something outta the vending machine. Check. Next I run up to the nurse at the front desk and tell her the toilet is clogged. She immediately starts dialing numbers on her phone and turns her back to me. I sneak in the operation room. La'Toya ready or not here I come.

As soon as I verified that Jaida's number was legit I sent it to Orlando. I am curious as to why he needs it, but I've learned it's better to not ask questions. 5k wasn't that much it was like cheap lunch money to me. Lemme just say this Legacy pays well. Orlando needs to know about it while he still can adapt. Trust me adjusting to Legacy lifestyle ain't nothing easy to adapt to.

I recall asking Jaida when I came back did she want something to eat. She told me no. Then a good five minutes passes and she tells me to go get her some Cheetos, peanut butter crackers, a Kit Kat, a honey bun, and a Sprite. While I'm busy with the order she requested something feels off about it. I place my money in the vending machine and get everything she asked for. It takes both of my hands to carry everything. I walk back to the waiting room to see an empty chair. I empty my arms and think maybe she went to the bathroom. After a solid three minutes I'm thinking someone has taken her. I calmly look around the hospital. Jaida come out, come out wherever you are.

When I arrive I run straight toward the elevator pressing the button. The doors finally open and I press the number three. The doors close and as I pass each floor my stomach would flip flop. I walk straight up to the front desk.

"Where's La'Toya Robinson?"

The nurse barely looks up and holds up a finger. She continues to gossip on her cellphone about a doctor and a nurse going at it in the janitor closet. I put my hands on my head and walk in a circle. She bout to listen to me today. I slammed my hands on her desk and I startle her. She fearfully looks at her cellphone and whispers, "Imma call ya back."

"What do you need?"

"Where is La'Toya Robinson?"

"Well isn't she the popular one today. The attention must feel good."

I sigh as she looks it up. She pops her gum which annoys me, but finding La'Toya is more important.

"She is still in surgery. After surgery she'll be in the recovery room. Then she'll be back in her room after dat. You can go in there and wait on her if ya want."


On my way to La'Toya's room I feel someone's eyes burning into me. I turn around, but I don't see anyone. I can't shake the feeling, but I jog to La'Toya's room clutching the rose.

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