Chapter 25: Movie Time

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"What kinda movie starts out with the action. My name is Anika this is my story type movie. Man this must be a short film."

I couldn't continue my mini rant I got shushed. A woman just walked in and triggered the alarm. Then a person that looks exactly like her rushes down the stairs. I lean all the way forward in my seat. I really start munching on my popcorn. The one that triggered the alarm takes the other woman and slangs her head against the wall. I wince as I watch the woman crumples to the ground. The one that broke in proceeds to drag the one that fell by her hair. She puts her in a hidden room and it looks like she just locked it.

"Now she finna prey on her next victim so cliché. Who picked this movie?"

"La'Toya hush."

I watch as the angle we looking at changes. Now we are looking into a book room.

"Jayla what was that noise?"

"Oh nothing I just dropped something."

"Are you okay?"

"Yes darling why'd you ask?"

"Something about you is different. Did you just cut your hair when you went up stairs? Are you sure you're feeling okay? Something is off about your eyes. What are you hiding behind your back? You know I don't like surprises."

"I know. I know, but you have to break from the usual some times. You have to have fun and excitement. That's how we got Orlando remember. Now come here."

He moves to the center of the room next to this killer.

"We didn't get Orlando that way. We planned him. Remember you like everything organized? Wait a minute.... you're not Jay..."

She stabs him in the stomach once.

"Don't you ever call me by her name."

She stabs him two more times and laughs. She pauses and grins like the grinch off of Dr. Seuss's The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. She starts stabbing him while she is talking in syllables.

"I. Am. Kayla. I. Will. Be. The. Last. Face. You. See. Before. You. Die."

She watches as she stabs deep for her final blow. His eyes widens and stays open. His body folds as he hits the ground. She throws her head back and smiles. The blood makes a pool around his body. Then I see another person walk into the room.

"RJ cut it off. Cut it off now."

My stomach was soured. I couldn't even just process what just happened. I looked at the screen and look at Orlando's clothes. It all suddenly clicked. That was Lando in the movie and it wasn't a movie it was surveillance footage. I feel soo bad.

"Lando I... I'm sooo sorry.... I didn't."

"Know? Yeah you didn't know I was in a dysfunctional family. You didn't know this wasn't a horror movie or that this happened before I came here. You didn't know I just saw my dad and had his blood wiped on my face. You didn't know that I didn't know my mom was slung against the wall and hidden into the room. You didn't know anything and you know what you didn't ask either! I'm so tired of excuses! Ask and you shall receive an answer!! Closed mouths don't get fed!"

I don't even wanna fight or argue with him at all I just kindly remove myself from the equation period. I get into my car and head towards Jaida's house. I know I got some clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc. down there so I don't have to worry about that. I really need to rant and sleep. Like what I just saw was a family member slaughter another family member. Is this what his family do for a living? Talk about needing hobbies. It'll take me close to an hour to get to Jaida and she better be home.

"Ryan don't sneak up on me like this! You don't wanna know what happened to the last guy who did that!"

"Jaida you know you wouldn't hurt me."

"You really wanna see. Let's bet that up. I bet you'd be outta ya money."

"Jaida you wouldn't. So why you didn't go to La'Toya's house?"

"Ryan you gotta a lot of explaining to do."

"In do time baby. But this isn't the time or the place. For now you're coming with me."

"Says who?"

"Me of course. You have such a sense of humor."

Before I could smack him upside the head he put a cloth over my nose. I thought he was trying to suffocate me. I struggle to break free, but my limbs start to move slower. My vision starts to get covered with black spots. I look at Ryan one last time and pass out.

Getting Jaida was the easiest part I could possibly do. This time I didn't screw up. I lay her in the back seat of my truck. I'm a gentleman at heart so I lay a blanket over her and put a pillow under her head. Wouldn't want her to catch a crook in her neck. I go back into the house. I had to leave the message that I was here and I had the upper hand in the matter of Jaida's life. I don't think I'd actually hurt her, but if my temper overcame me I don't know. I mean it's a possibility anything could happen, but I'm having weird feelings for her. If I take over Legacy I know that I don't want my mama picking me out a queen. If she do I might get stuck with someone psychotic as her. Then who knows the girl might kill me in my sleep or serve me food with bleach when I make her mad. I don't want that to happen. I write a note and I leave it on the counter. I half eat a cookie and put it on top of the note. Hopefully La'Toya will see it and do the requirements in order to get Jaida "back."

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