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I wake up in a dark room but I can make out a few shapes that makes this place look like a child's room. I seem to be in a straight jacket strapped to a bed with the covers over me. I see a door open and a figure that looks to be a girl probably in her teens. I can't see many of her features but I do smell in metallic smell of blood.
   She walks up to me and stabs my shoulder. I don't try to scream or move to much because that brings satisfaction. She seems to make a sound like a cat hissing. "Well your not gonna fight that's no fun fine I'll be back later with some toys but you need that boo boo of yours to be better before we can have some real fun".
    She takes the knife out my shoulder and storms out. I then start to cry silently, jeff please come help me I need you.
   It's been about a week. Every day this girl comes back in and will feed me, check my shoulder, or just come to slap me. I don't know why but apparently I did somthing. I still cry all the time but know one seems to notice and I don't know if anyone is coming to help me either.
  The girl comes back but she doesn't have food or I would smell it. I can hear clanging coming from somthing in her hand. She hits me on the head and I black out.
  I wake up but I'm not in the same room now I have chains around my neck and ankles. What is going on. I can stand and walk around this room and it has a bed but that is it. The room is all white with concrete flooring. This scent of this place is so familiar but I can't remember how it's like I've forgotten somthing important, wait have I always been here? I don't remember anything. All I can remember is my name and the name jeff. Who is jeff what is going on here why can't I remember. Why am I here.
I just start to cry and cry and keep spitting out. "Please jeff help me don't leave me here all alone I need you". I then curl into a ball  and start to laugh and talk to myself yelling and screaming. I think I'm insane. I want to know who he is. I start to cry and laugh all at the same time until I fall asleep gripping  the chains.
   When I wake I'm face to face with a girl. She looks to be in her teens. She has a rainbow pac man shirt with a skirt that has board game peices. She was putting these puzzle piece gloves on and grabbing a small blade. She had grabbed it off this rusty looking cart. She walked up to me and tightened the chain length so I couldn't move. She then tied my hands be hind me. After securing me she brand the small blade and just kept grazing it across me face arms and legs cut in any fabric in her way. All I could do was cry I felt like I shouldn't but I had to. I felt like a small child I needed help.
  She eventually left with the cart after untightening my chains. I curled back into my ball and just cried, laughed, and screamed. I don't know what happened but I eventually started to scratch my arms and face which caused them to bleed more then I already was.
  This became a cycle she would come in and torture me. I would then cry. She would leave and I would scratch at my skin. Then cry, laugh, and scream. I'm losing my mind I want him to come and save me. I can't remember his name anymore. I don't know how long it has been but it is getting really cold.

Triple X   jeff X readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant