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I walk out the bathroom to see Alix and Neko grabbing knives. Neko must have found one at the camp or here. "Hey what's wrong" they turn and look at me and Alix says " I saw a figure that looked like a person while you and Neko were searching the place out in the woods not to far from here" in a nervous tone. "Okay you guys sure you wanna do this" they both nods at my response. "Lets wait by the door it will block us when it opens if they come" we head to the door as planned. To are advantage the door would been in are faces when it opened. We waited till we saw the handle shake and the door open right in front are faces. It didn't hit us luckily. The person walked in and looked around before saying in a irritated tone "I know someone's here so come out I saw you run here in the woods dumb**s" the person sounded like a man and they had a white hood so I couldn't see the back of their head. I then after a second took my knives aimed and threw them at the man. It hit his shoulders. I quickly grabbed Neko's and hit his back. He turned around and looked at us. That's when I realized who it was, it was my mentor. Jeffery Woods also known as jeff the killer. We had are hoods on so I don't think he noticed my slight crying. I cried silently unless I was asleep. Neko an Alix noticed though. Jeffrey started to scream "who threw it" Neko and Alix were about to attack when I put my hand out to stop them. They looked at me confused and Jeffrey started to laugh "why stop the fun I wanna see you guys try to get me again or are you scared". I couldn't help but laugh and laugh "why are you laughing" that's when I said to jeffrey "Because I come from the place where only the toughest go" everyone cocked their head in confusion as I laughed more. "You said so yourself Jefffrey" I told him while dragging the f alittle. He looked like he was gonna piss himself. "Wait twitchy is that you" then I couldn't help but twitch from laughing and crying. It was funny at how stupid he sounded but I couldn't help but cry for hurting him. I then nodded my head and through my hood off. "Hey its been awhile and can you please stop having the face of I just pissed myself jeffery" "it is you twitchy you threw the knives didn't you cause if ya did you have gotten better wait..." there was a long pause until he ran up to me and grabbed my face and whispered "what happened did someone hurt you" "no jeff I'm fine I did it about a minute before you came" I said calmly back to him. He then chuckled "I just remembered your on a missing persons list why" " Jeff have you gone retarded I killed my fam and ran off with out a trace" "so you stole my kill shame on you y/n" " Hey I told you when I get out their as good as dead " I about started to shout they he kinda whimpered slash grunted in pain that's when I remembered the knives. "Oh my Zalgo I'll get those" I went to go and pull them out when Jeff lifts his hand "no just leave it EJ will be here in a sec" "Wait do you live here I saw a door with your name and a door with the letters EJ on it" "yep a we leave here" then I hear someone walking up the stairs to the door jeff had opened. "Hey jeff get th-" I turned around to see a dude in a blue mask staring at us like he's about to pounce. Alix throws his knife to me which I grab and hold in a defensive stance. "Chill people don't kill each other I don't need EJ hurt remember the guy with three knives to the backside" I stopped and answered "but jeff I already said I'd help" then faking a sad face. Who I'm guessing is EJ growls and says "you better not touch him or I swear to Zalgo I will kill you" "EJ I can tell ya twitchy over here is as good maybe even better than me at throwing knives if she wanted to buddy she could kill ya in minutes maybe sooner if she wanted to" EJ cocked his head "twitchy is this the chick you said you hung out with in the asylum". That's when I twitched just remembering the place pissed me off. I whisper to jeff "can I sit in your room so I don't kill this bas**rd you call a buddy" he nodded. I stormed off telling Alix and Neko to stay put and don't touch anyone. I went into jeff room and sat on the bed in the corner. I leaned my back on the wall and stared at the ceiling for awhile till I apparently fell asleep siting up again.
I was in the forest running from what I don't know. I stumbled across a mirror that was shattered. I picked I piece up and poked myself in the shoulder this caused me to twitch and float. I couldn't come down till I saw a figure that was a gray silhouette. He helped me land and started to walk off. I went after it but fell in a pit that's when I heard "Hey you ok"
I woke up in a different room on the floor with jeff knelt down in front of me smiling as if he was holding back a laugh. "What happened jeff" "you fell asleep so I brang you to another room, when I placed you on the bed and was about out the room you rolled off the bed, I went over and asked if you were ok and you shot up" "oh" I couldn't help but laugh "sorry I must still be tired from that tree" " what tree y/n" "oh ya last night we found a hollowed out tree and slept in it I feel bad cause aparentaly I was screaming in my sleep" "your ok though right" "ya jeff if I'm being honest you made my day today, because I missed you". Then it happened he picked me up sat down on the bed and put me on his lap and played with my hair. I remember this is what he used to do to comfort me when I was upset. I smiled a really smile I think it's been around two years since that's happend.

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