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After a few minutes of my hair being played with while having a catch up on life conversation I heard slamming of doors. "Jeff where the hell are you" I recognized the voice to be EJ. I sent a glare and slight snarl towards the direction of the voice. "Calm down twichy, it's fine he won't do anything to you, your safe here, ok, so chill" Jeff kept trying to comfort me. "EJ I'm in hear so chill before I release the hound" "DID YOU JUST CALL ME A HOUND BECAUSE I SWEAR TO ZALGO IF YOU DID JEFFFERY" I screamed in Jeff's ear. "Chill y/n, it's a joke" is what jeff said as EJ stormed in the room scapel  in hand. "Ha what ya plan to do with that E...J" I said to him squirming out jeffs arms and crouching to the ground. "Guys let's not fight please" Jeff started to say "Jeffery  you know I care about ya but shut your mouth I want to see how good you buddy is at games HAHA" "EJ RUN" "Jeff why are you telling me to run??". "Hey EJ pick a level 1 3 or 5" I couldn't hold back I wanted to play a game. Jeff started to signal EJ when I stopped him by growling "itssss nooot yourr turnn yet jeffery". I just started to laugh and laugh as jeff looked at EJ dead into the black circles of his mask. "Threee  I guess" EJ said kinda confused probably from the weird face jeff had. "Ok now you have three seconds better not waste them" I then pulled out the knife I had from earlier. "EJ run idiot" is all jeff got out before I started to count. "One dead corpse" I heard EJ down the stairs. "Two pill bottles" I heard doors open and shut around the house. "Three knives covered in EJ'S blood tonight" I started to laugh as I raced down the stairs. I heard the last door be the front door but I  knew his trick all to well. I shut the open front and I silenced my steps. That's when I heard it rustling in the bathroom. I laughed "found you" I ran to the bathroom to find EJ hiding in the tub. "You hit the curtain idiot" I started to laughing even more before I stabbed  EJ deep into the shoulder and ripped the knife right out. He hissed like a pissed off cat. I knelt down and whispered "your lucky your jeffs bud or trust me you'd  be dead" I pikes my voice up again "need some help with the shoulder" "do you even know how to stich uuhh" "it's y/n and yes I do I learned fro  the nurse at the facility she taught me while she stitched up jeff after playing darts" "Okayy that would actually be great then cause you got my shoulder pretty good so I can't really move it he he". I nodded and ran passed jeff to the couch in the living room where I found the first aid kit. "Hey y/n did you find EJ " "yep". I started to walk off with the med kit and jeff followed. We got back to the bathroom and EJ must have really not been able to move his arm because he hasn't moved an inch. "Dang EJ she got you good" " sorry to say this jeff but EJ here is an idiot when I found him in here he froze he even helped me find him by hitting the curtain". I knelt down toward EJ  and grabbed the peroxide and a cloth from the kit and started to clean the wound. Unlike jeff he barely finches "Hey jeff EJ does have perks he doesn't squirm when being near peroxide" EJ chuckled while jeff just had this pissed off look. I finished cleaning the wound and started to stitch it closed. When I finished I grabbed a bandage and placed it over the stitches. I held my hand out for EJ to grab which did with his uninjured arm. My head then started to ache as I blacked out.
    I woke up on the couch with jeff sitting beside me rubbing my back while Neko and Alix where asleep in front of me. "Ugggh me  head hurts like crap" "Hey look who took 4 hours to wake up" "I took 4 hours, jeff why didn't you wake me up, ugggh I need a Tylenol, wait where's EJ, why did I fall asleep" "Chill twitchy I'll get you some meds, EJ  went out, and remember anytime you play you get really tired". Jeff gets up and walks off for a second and comes back with two white pulls and some water which I gladly tske. Around a minute later neko and Alix woke up and started blabbering  about how they missed me and were so worried. "Hey jeff got a question who else lives here" "oh just a few more buddy I'm sure you know the names they were on the doors" I nodded showing that I already knew. "Hey why don't you three live her I'm sure my buds  won't mind it will get pretty interesting " I nodded hoping I wouldn't have to live jeff. Neko and Alix on the other hand didn't seem to be pleased. They ran up with their knives and put them to jeffs throat whispering something inaudible for me. I got up grabbed their hoods and growled "what do you think your doing" "you have one second". I grabbed theirs knives and screamed "One dead corpse of each Neko and Alix" I started laughing and growling watching them live the cabin out to the woods. I ran after them and threw the knives straight into each of their skulls. After they fell I turned them around repeatedly stabbing them all over till you couldn't even tell if they ever had a face. That's when I saw the three guys.

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