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Tarq e taluqaat pay,

Roya na tu na main,

Lekin ye Kya ke chain se,

Soya na tu na main,

At the time of parting,

Neither you cried, nor I

But what's this that?

Neither you could sleep,

Not could I.


Chapter 45.
One more month.

If there was one thing Anaaya could say about relationships and life in general, it was simply that wrong things happened at the wrong time

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If there was one thing Anaaya could say about relationships and life in general, it was simply that wrong things happened at the wrong time.

It's crazy how one moment you feel as if your life is complete and in the next, you're simply told by life to fuck off.

If there was one thing she knew she had in her relatiosnhip, it was trust. Atleast that is wehat she had thought. She knew there wasn't love from his side, he told her he will love her, one day, but that was as far as he had gone.

She loved him but he did not love her. He trusted her though, or that is what she had thought.

She came to know the hard way that he did not trust her and God damn, did that hurt. Nothing hurt more than being disappointed by that one person you thought would always trust you.

She had always had such little faith in herself when it came to relationships that she felt scared she would be the one to ruin her marriage but Hassan? How could he?

She understood well the role she had played in Hassan's lack of trust. But she had not lied to him about anything.

Was that not enough? Yes, Ahmad was not liked by Hassan and yes she should have maintained a distance with him, as Hassan's wife.

But as a woman, an independent woman, she did not feel like being friends with Ahmad had been the reason her relationship went downhill.

It was the lack of trust. Lack of love, maybe.

She also knew what else had catered to that downfall. Hassan's dream job had been taken away from him because of Lisa or her or because people working in his firm were fucking morons that they fired a kickass senior partner.

Even though she was hurt and disappointed and extremely angry at him, she still sent him one text, just one try to make him mend things. Four days after her arrival in Islamabad, she had shot him a long message,

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