Part 29

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Kit woke up a little while ago; he moved a little whimpering in pain that went through his body like a wave. When his vision was cleared he looked outside only to find Ming talking to his doctor. Their eyes met and Kit gulped realizing how he had stayed for him the whole night. He doubted he even slept and it warmed his heart, a small smile formed on his lips as Ming sighed and smiled back. Kit nodded gesturing him to come inside and Ming was immediately opening the door and breathing in the air inside his room.

He hesitantly sat with Kit looking at his face for any sign of pain or agony but Kit smiled softly to assure him that he was okay. He couldn't keep hurting them just because he was hurting. It was a tragedy for all of them.

"How do you feel now?" Ming cautiously asked keeping some distance between them both.

"I'm Okay Mingkwan" Kit sighed at him, honestly what could he say? That he felt like dying, that he saw his life crumbling in front of his goddamn eyes, that he felt hollow?.

"I'm glad; the doctors said you'll be release today after your physiotherapist see you" Ming informed him gulping when he saw Kit eyes filling with tears but he immediately blinked them and nodded. "Kit, you'll be okay. I promise" Ming held his hand tightly trying desperately to give him any sort of assurance.

"Ming please I don't want to talk about it" Kit exhaled deeply. "Let's forget for sometime shall we?".

Ming looked at Kit and sighed nodding with a little smile. He traced his palm and Kit hummed in response which made Ming's stomach flutter. "How's everyone else?" Kit closed his eyes straightening his shoulders. Ming stared at him for a second before shaking his head and speaking.

"They are fine, just worried" Ming replied. "Well except Max, he won't stop crying though he doesn't get what happened" His voice was a little unsure at the end as if he said something wrong but Kit chuckled.

"He is too adorable I swear" Kit spoke smiling brightly and Ming did too.

"Yeah tell me about it" Ming chuckled. For a while they stayed silent, Kit humming something and Ming starring at him fondly. "You don't umm, you don't----'"

"Regret saving Max?" Kit looked at him finishing his question and Ming exhaled deeply nodding a little. Kit looked him deeply before speaking. "No" He firmly answered making Ming gulp a little. "I don't. If I have to choose between Max probably dying and me not able to walk I would chose latter" Kit smiled a little and Ming squeezed his hand in response, his words lost somewhere. They both looked up when a knock sounded on the door and in came a woman Kit has never seen. She was young and beautiful.

"Hello, I'm Catarina your physiotherapist" Catarina smiled at Kit as Ming moved to stand near Kit's bed. "You must be Kittinan" she read from her clipboard. Kit looked at her raising his eyebrow at Ming who shrugged.

"Yes" Kit finally spoke. She smiled brightly and came closer to him.

"Alright Kittinan, it seems like you are getting discharge today so I need to do some test from you" Catarina spoke sitting on a stool in front of Kit who frowned.

"What kind of tests?" Kit asked.

"Nothing to worry dear, just simple exercise" Catarina informed him and he nodded. "Alright at first I want you to sit" she stood up pushing the stood away. Kit nodded and threw the blanket away from him. He sat straight on bed and looked at her who rolled her eyes. "I mean throw your legs down" she pointed on the floor and he nodded. He tried to move his leg a little but fell on bed wincing. Ming was by his side immediately supporting him; he placed one arm beside his back to straighten him as Kit slowly moved his legs and sat on the edge of bed, his feet touching the floor.

"Good, now let's see can you move them" Catarina said watching him cautiously. Kit sighed and closed his eyes before he moved his leg a little and his eyes widened.

"What? Last night I couldn't move them at all" He said looking at Catarina who smiled.

"That's mostly because of medicines. Your muscles are healthy right now. Come on try again and rock your legs. Give them some movements and see if they feel any weird" Catarina said. Ming sat with Kit holding his hand seeing how he slowly rocked his legs back and forth and after few tries he looked at Catarina.

"They seems fine other than just a slight ache" Kit informed her, his eyes pleading for some hope. "That's good. Maybe we can try something now" Catarina spoke as he went outside. Kit looked at Ming who smiled at him.

"See not everything is lost" He squeezed his hand a little before she came back inside with walking stand that made Kit frown.

"Considering how you can move your legs currently, I think you'll be able to walk through these" Catarina smiled placing at in front of Kit who looked at Ming a little unsure but he smiled and nodded. He took deep breath as he placed both of his hand on the stand and pushed him upwards. Ming immediately circled his arm on his waist and supported him as he leaned towards his chest before standing straight.

"Alright Kittinan try to take some steps" Catarina moved back a little and gesture Ming to who cautiously did making sure Kit was stable. Kit exhaled as he moved stand a little ahead of him and took a step. He moved his right foot first and then left smiling as he succeeded. Ming smiled brightly and Catarina encouraged him to walk few steps more until he came near her and she patted his back. He walked back to his bed slowly and Ming removed the stand away from him, sitting him down on a bed.

"Your muscles are healthy which means you can move with help of some walking devices like this" Catarina pointed at the stand beside Ming. "You need to exercise regularly, keep your muscles in movement so they won't freeze, I am giving you my number, contact me if anything unusual happens, and also you should see some physiotherapist as well regularly, someone who can come over to your house and help you exercise". She moved to face Ming. "Or you can help him too" she said and Ming nodded eagerly. She told them few exercise mostly of his legs and some of his arms and suggested him some medicines. She gave Ming her number and turned to Kit.

"You young Man, keep practicing and don't lose hope. Walk with these for as long as you can" She said and Kit nodded. She patted his back and waved a goodbye before leaving them alone. Ming sat with Kit with a smile on his face.

"You did great" Ming appreciated, Kit smiled at him.

"Thanks" He said, maybe he can do this. 

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