Part 32

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Kit and Ming sat together watching TV, well mostly Ming scrolling through channels as Kit munch down bowl of chips that rested over his lap. Ming's arm was behind Kit and he blushed every now and then as he touches his skin, making it burn while shiver rose down his arms.

"I swear I hate this!" Ming complained for the tenth time while Kit rolled his eyes.

"Would you stop complaining?" Kit looked at him who sighed and nodded. "Well I can't help it, it seriously frustrates me." Ming defended. Kit groaned and grabbed a remote from Ming's hand and switched off the TV looking at him.

"Now it won't." He grinned as Ming raised his eyebrow and chuckled at him.

"So, What's this about Beam and Forth?" Ming played with Kit's hairs and he jumped on the couch excitedly. "OMG!! Mingkwan you don't know how much fun it is to tease Beam, poor guy would blush madly!" Kit laughed making Ming smile brightly as he listen to him ranting about how they met in Max's birthday party and since that they started going out. Ming stared at Kit smiling as he saw the happiness in those eyes, how they shine brightly and how his lips would curve into a beautiful smile which Ming adore. Ming knew Kit was more than he thought, Kit meant something to him, something no one else did and it made his heart warm but also terrifies him. He shook his head and listened to Kit who was munching his chips and talking.

"And I and Phana we won't let pass any moment without teasing him, we have this video of him starring at Forth and we always threatened him for things." Kit muttered and Ming chuckled.

"Poor guy, my heart goes out for him." Ming said, Kit smiled and elbowed him. Before Ming could say anything Max came running towards them smiling brightly with a ball in his hand.

"Kit come on let's play, it's been so long" He said excitedly, Ming gulped seeing how Kit's smile faded and he looked at Max sadly. He could see the tears beginning to rise in his eyes and slight trembling of his hand and it crushed his heart.

"I can't play anymore Max." Kit whispered, his voice thick with tears. Ming didn't know he could feel his heart physically breaking but the pain in Kit voice was the utter proof to it.

"Why?" Max asked confused. "Are you still hurting?" Ming closed his eyes for a millisecond before he grabbed Kit's hand and squeezed a little. "I can't---"

"Who says you can't play?" Ming interrupted Kit who looked at him confused.

"Ming-Ming you know--" Ming pressed a finger on Kit's lips to shush him.

"Yes you can't play football but you can judge it right?" Ming asked and Kit nodded. "And also you can play catch." Ming spoke. Kit stared at him not knowing what to say or what not to. "Me and Max will play football and you'll be judge and then you guys can play catch and I'll judge you." Ming suggested, both Kit's and Max's eyes widened as they took in what Ming just said. He'll play with Max? That was a miracle to be honest.

"You'll play with me?" Max asked surprised and Ming nodded. "Why? Can't I play?" Ming asked mocking offense and Max cheered loudly. "Yes yes yes, come on let's play!" He jumped excitedly and both Kit and Ming laughed seeing him run outside with his ball. Ming looked at Kit whose face was tear streamed yet he had a small smile. Ming gently wiped his tear and cupped his face. "I told you, you are not alone in this." Ming whispered and Kit let out a small sob before hugging Ming taking him by surprise. Ming wrapped his arms around Kit breathing in his scent as both of their hearts beat loudly and blush appeared on their checks but none of them noticed.Ming felt Kit's tears on his neck and he squeezed him tighter.

"Thank You, Thank you so much..." Kit whispered on his neck sending shivers down Ming's spine and he gulped. He pulled apart and cupped Kit's face. "You don't have to thank me Kit." Ming kissed his forehead before he stood up and placed Kit's stand in front of him. Kit placed both of his hand on either side of it and pushed his body upwards. Immediately Ming's hands were on his back guiding him straight before he pulled apart and started to walk slowly smiling proudly as Kit walked too. Soon they were outside in the backyard with Max bouncing the ball. Ming called for Nate to bring a chair for Kit and he carefully sat him down placing his stand beside him. Nate brought two juices as well as Mark and Nate joined Kit sitting with him.

Kit smiled brightly seeing Ming taking his position in a goal tent as Max kicked the ball. He saw Ming perfectly stopping his goal and Max pouting. He couldn't help the warmness that spread through him seeing Ming play with his siblings and for once he thanked his disability because maybe, just maybe because of it Ming could get close to his siblings and family, maybe because of it he would resume things he left out. Because once there was a time when Ming would stay locked up in his room and now he was playing with Max to make Kit happy because he can't play anymore, to assure him. He breathed deeply blinking away the tears of happiness, if his disability means Ming coming out of his shell than he loves it, he regrets nothing. He shook his head when he heard Max screaming his name and he looked up to see them waiting for a decision. Kit pouted because clearly he wasn't looking and without thinking he said.

"Max score a goal!" Max cheered loudly while Nate, Mark and Ming looked at him surprised because clearly the ball never touched the next. He shrugged before he felt Max's arms around him and he sighed happy pouting at Ming who chuckled and shook his head smiling fondly.

When they were done Ming dragged Kit's chair in a centre as Max sat on another one a little away from him. He smiled as he threw a ball towards Kit who caught it before throwing it towards Max who laughed catching it. Kit's heart swelled with love as he realized Ming was right, not everything was lost. If he could be strong he can do anything just like here he was playing with Max. Of course things were a bit different but same as well, this was life afterall.

Somewhere during their game he looked at Ming who was smiling brightly at him capturing the moment in his camera. He stopped the video and caught Kit's eyes which were shining with happy tears. He mouthed "thank you.." to Ming who blew a kiss to him shaking his head smiling brightly. He realized nothing beats the happiness your family and loved ones brings to you, no matter how much you have given up. 

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