Chapter 4 "Fairy's Invite"

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Hey Shy.

Hey Runa. Did you ask your parents?

Yes I did. They said I could go, I just have to be home by 11:00, no later.

Ok. I'll make sure your back by then. After all the party ends at 10:00.

Then it looks like we won't have a problem there.

Looks that way. Anyhow, shall we get to class?

Yes we shall, before we're late.

"Something about Shy is different today. I wonder what it is. Hmm. Not to minchen, he seams a lot like my little fox fairy at times. I wander.... could Shy be my fox fairy in human form? I have to try and remember. Yet something is telling me that Shy is my fox fairy in descise. I just have to wait and let him show me, himself."

(Bell rings)

"Oh snap! Got to hurry to class. God I hope Mr. Marsh isn't going to be in a bad mood. When he's in a bad mood then everyone in class suffers with a pop quize on history of whatever we're studing at the time."

Hey. What's on your mind?

Nothing much. Just thinking about the garden party.

Hmm. Well it's not till this weekend, but your always welcome to come over to my house, whenever you want. You can even come over and help us set up for the party, if you want to that is?

Sure. I'll see if I can't come over this eveing to help out.

Ok. I'll let my sisters know that your coming over to leand a hand.

Kk. I'll see you in art class Shy. I have to stop and talk to Mrs. Timmy for a bit, then I'll head to class.

Ok. I'll let the teacher know that you'll be late for class and why.

Thanks and I'll try not to be late for the last peird of the day.

I know, but still. Better to be salf then sorry. Right?

Right. See you in class Shy.

Yah. See you there.

"She's starting to catch on to things. That's good. The sooner she realizes that I'm the fox fairy, the better. For now though, I'd better get to class and let the teacher know that she'll be late, because she had to go talk to someone, about something."

What you painting this time Shy?

A treehouse in a special place. One that I think you might know or have seen.

Hmm. Well I'll have to wait till you finish it. Then I can tell you if I've seen or been to this treehouse of yours, but if I just say. The stairs to the tree house, are inside the tree, not the outside.

I see. I'll keep that in mide as I finish painting the picture.

You do that.

"She remembers the treehouse like it was nothing. Then she should remember the pathway to the treehouse and even the layout of the treehouse. For now though, I'll just let her give me the details as she remembers them. But still I hope she can remember who I am in my true form, before to much longer."

See you later to day Shy.


"Ok. When I get to Shy's house this evening, I'll start looking for any details that can tell me that Shy is my fox fairy in descase. I already have a few clue to start me out with. The first one is the picture of me and the fox fairy that's in Shy's room. The second one is the garden behind Shy's house. Third is the paintings that he does in art class. And the last clue that I have so far is the questions that he keep asking me, whenever I look at his paintings. Shy is my fox fairy and even is he isn't,.... he's still knowns him in one way or another. This garden party is just one way for me to start getting some answers to most of my questions."

Hey Shy.

Hey Runa. Come on in. We're all out back in the garden, getting things ready for this weekend.

Cool. So where and how can I help?

Come on and we're ask my sisters.

Ok. Lead the way.

Hey Lizzy and Mizzy.

Hello little brother.

Did you finish putting the flowers in the veses?

Yes. Runa came to help out. She wants to know how she can help out?

You can help by keeping our little brother out of trouble, while we finish the last of the details.

I can do that. 

Good. Why don't you two go play in the house for a bit?

Ok sis. Come on Runa. We can hang out in the greenhouse or go up to my room? Your pick.

Your room.

Ok then. Let's go.

Right behide you.

 So what do you want to do? Play a bord game or watch tv?

Lets play a bord game.

Ok. What kind of bord game do you want to play? We have chakers, chess, Manapily, or Fairy Ties.

Fairy Ties sounds like a good one.

Fairy Ties it is then. What fairy do you want to be? A wood fairy, fox fairy, wolf fairy, animal fairy, water fairy, fire fairy, earth fairy, summer fairy, winter fairy, shadow fairy, light fairy, or desert fairy?

That's a lot of fairys, but I'll be the fox fairy. What about you?

I'll be a desert fairy.

"Two hours later"

Sorry you didn't get to help set up.

It's cool. At least I got to hang with you for a bit and this Saturday I get to hang with you even more.

That's true. Would you like me to come pick you up this Saturday for the party or would you rather I just meet you at my front door?

You can come pick me up at 7. No later though.

7'oclock sharp. Got it. I'll see you tomorrow at 7 then.

See you tomorrow Shy. 

Night Runa.

Night Shy.

"This was a fun day and all, but I didn't learn anything new about Shy. Yet something tells me that's how it's suposted to be, for now. But I'm not giving up. I will prove that Shy is my fox fairy friend and that I'm the girl that can help him save his world."

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