Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The next morning I woke up in my room. I remembered that I got home safely last night from the party and Juliette had been utterly concerned of my drunken state. The light that shined through my window, that the rolled up blinds obviously couldn't stop, made my head hurt. It felt like my head was going to explode out of pain any minute. Hangovers was nothing that I've experienced before, I've heard that they are extremely horrible which I can confirm now. This was nothing for me. With my hurting head and squinting eyes I got up and went over to the window to roll down the blinds that didn't cover the tremendously tiresome shining sun. When the blinds where now down and I didn't need to squint my eyes for the sun that also made my head hurt more, I went back to my bed and went back to sleep.

I woke up again later that day by someone banging loudly on the door.

"Lucy for god's sake wake up!"

It was Juliette and the loud banging on the door didn't help my hangover at all.

With slowly steps and a hurting head I walked over to the door and opened. I probably looked like a overdriven cow that lost their dugs but I opened anyways. Juliette stood there in the hallway outside my room , she was fully dressed with jeans and a blouse, she even had makeup on.

"Are we going somewhere?" I asked.

"Yes," she answered. Without me letting her in she walked in and closed the door behind her. With quick steps she walked into my bedroom and then I didn't see her more. You could hear her oping and closing drawers and moving stuff. I thought about lying down on the floor and sleep when I saw her coming back. In her hands she had a black pair of jeans, a white t shirt, some undies, my makeup bag, a hair brush and sneakers.

"I can dress and fix myself," I stated.

"Yes, but I'll fix your makeup and hair," she said.

"Why?" I asked totally confused.

"Just because I am okay?" She said irritated. She pushed me into the bathroom to change. After I was done I opened one of the drawers to see some painkillers. I took one and I could feel that it helped a little against my hangover. I walked out of the bathroom and was meet by a chair.

"Sit," Juliette said and did a motion with her hand that told me to sit down.

I sat down still wondering why she's doing this to me. She took out the foundation and started to apply it to my face.

"So you and Josh huh?" She asked. I just groaned. I knew she would ask me about him, buy why did she choose to do it in my hungover state?

"I saw you at the party Lucy, don't try to deny it," Juliette continued.

"I don't know," I said. It was quiet afterwards, Juliette kept quiet too but I think she waited for me to continue, so I did. "He's cute, I guess. I don't want to lie or anything but I think I have a little crush on him."

Juliette smiled at me. This must have been what she wanted to hear and I could see it on her face that she was happy with the answer.

"Isn't this cool, we both like two guys that just happens to be brothers," she said with excitement. "I've been dreaming of this since I learned what love is."

I just laughed at her, but what she said made me remember what Josh had said the day I got kidnaped.

"Josh said about the same thing," I said. That made us both laugh. Juliette applied mascara on my lashes and then she put my hair up in a ponytail and put on my sunglasses.

"You know I could have done this by myself, but thanks anyway," I smiled.

"I know, I just felt like I wanted to do your makeup and stuff, and who can't miss how hangover you look!" She said to loudly. I put my hands on my forehead.

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