Chapter 26

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Chapter 26


During this month I have always wanted to go back to sleep every time I woke up because of the pain, the memories or just the thought that I'm still kidnapped, but not as much as I want right now. With aching lungs from the fumes that I had breathed in and a head that feels almost numb because of the ache and lack of oxygen, I sat in a chair, as I looked up to the sight of a motel room. Orange colour covered most of the things in the motel room, the walls, the bed sheets and the chairs garment.

I don't remember getting here. Although I remember getting thrown into the car and blacking out but I do not remember getting into this motel room. My hands and feet were stuck to a chair just as before, the only thing that had changed was the location. Suddenly a door opened and closed behind me and I knew I was about to see his ugly face again.

"Well, well, well... What do we have here, isn't it little poor Lucy who want to go back to her boyfriend and bestie?" Shawn laughed as he walked to a spot right in front of me and then stopped. I didn't answer him, what a waste of time. Shawn only nodded his head at my lack of respond and pouted with his lips. "So you are just going ignore me? That's rude."

I didn't answer him now either and looked to the side to not become disgusted by his appearance and just by him. Without me noticing he walked up to me and slapped me hard on the cheek, my head snapped to the side.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you! Haven't your parents taught you some manners? No right your dad left you when you were 7 and your mom doesn't care about you," Shawn laughed at what he had said and apparently seemed like a joke to him.

"At least I don't make a school fucking explode," I spat back.

"Now there is the Lucy I remember," Shawn smiled as he pointed a finger at me. "You got a little boring for a while there." Shawn started amble back and forth in front of the chair I was seated in, his eyebrows strained and he looked like he was deep in thought, choosing his words. In a matter of a second his expression changed and he spun excited towards me, giving of a clap and rubbed his hands together in delight.

"Why think about it when I can go straight to the point, your boyfriend, Josh I think he is called?" he looked at me in confusion before I nodded my head in confirmation that Josh was right. I was starting to get scared but still confused, had something happened to Josh? Or is it just my crazy thoughts and imaginations running through my mind?

"Well Josh as he is named, died in the explosion."

Every hope, expectance, regret and sadness that I had felt just vanished in a second, it flooded out of my heart down my stomach and then down my legs and into the floor. With nothing left inside of me I became just a shell with some unimportant thoughts and feelings left. What was the reason to live now that he was left? Someone might come and tell me that it will be alright, but it won't. To sum everything up that had happened in the last month was a lot and that Josh had died was the most horrible thing on the list. 

Shawn knotted his hands behind his back before he trotted towards the door again.

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