Chapter 28

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Chapter 28


"Hello?" I said into the phone as I answered, not knowing who was on the other end.

"Yes, is this Juliette?"

"That's me," I said with confusion. Outside the sun were shining and the birds singing. Just a few hours earlier I had lied awake thinking deeply about life and unnecessary things, and of course Lucy. Like the days before my feelings were the same, I shed a tear and missed her deeply. However, this night I felt a shred of hope, something I haven't felt since the day I found the clue.

"I'm calling from the hospital, we have a patient here who wants to meet you," the woman informed me.

"What? Who?" I asked very confused. Had something else happened at the school? Just when I was to ask her more questions and before she was able to answer I heard someone grab the phone and the woman groaned.

"Just get here and stop worry," Scott groaned into the phone like he usually does. "And hurry, don't waste time on makeup and shit like you girls often do." Then he hung up. I sighed, so typical of Scott. Tough I took his words serious and quickly threw on a pair of jeans and a hoodie. After just a few minutes I was on my way towards the hospital in my car. Even though I had sunglasses on the sun still irritated my tired eyes. With a growling stomach and a hair sticking in different directions, I hurried out of my car as soon as I arrived at the hospital. Luckily I remembered to lock my car.

Guessing my way to the right floor I soon found Scott sitting impatient in a chair. As soon as he saw me he sighed with relief. He gave me a small smile, something he doesn't show often, especially near me. He placed a hand on my shoulder gently and pointed with his other hand in a direction towards a door.

"She's in there." Then he showed me slightly towards the door. Just before I walked in I turned around with a small smile, still not exactly knowing what waited on the other side of the door. I closed the door behind me. When I turned around again I noticed Lucy lying in the hospital bed. A large smile spread across my lips and I ran towards her side. Her dark hair was spread across the pillow, looking like a Gloria. Her eyes were shut, and her face relaxed. Her dark circles under her eyes told me that her time as kidnaped only had been hard and challenging. I could not even imagine what she must have been through. Even though she was unconscious I couldn't stop myself from giving her a soft hug. As I slowly took in that she was back and here in my arms everything that she must have gone through made me cry. I was a good friend therefor I didn't want to cry on her clothes, so I sat up straight in my chair. I chose to hold her hand instead that was when I noticed her arm was in plaster, making me worried becasue of all the damages she seemed to have.

Hours passed by but I was still by her side. Scott had walked in at one point to give me tissues and food, somehow he is now sweet. He had been by Lucy's side for a while, but it only seemed to put him in more pain, so he walked out.


A day had passed by, I had been home changed clothes, eaten and got back. I tried to be by Lucy's side at all times. Lucy though was still unconscious and it worried me. I held her hand, reassuring myself that she was still there, and alive, when Scott barged into the room.

"Juliette, Lucy's mother is here, give them some space and get out," Scott ordered but got shoved out of the way by a short but thin and lanky lady with hair and eyes just like Lucy.

"Hello there young lady, you must be Juliette?" Her mother said as she stretched out her hand for me to shake with a smile on her face. Lucy's mom seemed to be a very energetic woman, her smile was too large for her face and her eyes seemed to shimmer. I shook her hand. Without introducing herself she stood there impatiently and looked at the chair I was sitting at.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Watson," I excused myself as I got up and walked out the room, just as I was about to close the door I heard a voice behind me.

"Thank you for being here for my daughter when I wasn't, you are a great friend." I turned to Lucy's mother and smiled slightly then walked out.

As I got out Scott stood there towering over me with his arms crossed over his chest, with a hard but tired expressions on his face, looking ready to give orders.

"You should get home Juliette, get some sleep, you look awful," he said.

"Geez, thanks, but no I will stay," I said as I made my way towards a chair. Somehow Scott caught me in the act and stopped me.

"You will do as I say, it's an order," he said coldly and pushed me slightly in the direction of the elevator. I sighed but then agreed to follow his order and walked towards the elevator. Just as I was at the elevator I turned to Scott.

"Have they caught him?" I asked worried.

"Caught who?" He asked, even though he was one of the best agents he was sometimes not so bright.

"The kidnapper."

"No, we are waiting for Lucy to wake up to give us all the information we need, so be careful because he is still out there," he said, I nodded. "Agent Todd is though searching for the boy." I nodded again and then made my way home.


As I walked into my room I was ready to crash into my bed in my clothes and sleep for days, but the unknown person standing in my apartment stopped me. Quickly I turned the light on. Surprise washed over me and I stood there gawking and staring, not breathing. He walked towards me with a chuckle.

"Juliette have you missed me?"

"But- b-but..." I commented. "How are you even alive Josh?"

"I was never dead."


Hi! Life is busy but here you have a chapter, hope you enjoy it.

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Have a great day!

- Veronica

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