Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Quickly, I walked down the corridor. I was in a rush to the dinner because I fell asleep on the couch after a very exhausting day in school. It was a very comfortable nap on the couch may I tell you. Welcoming lights from the place where the dinner was lighting up the corridor. The corridor was full of students that were walking to the dinner too. I remembered some of them from my classes. I have even seen the guy with the toxic farts; let's call him fart guy that's easier. I looked after Juliette. I had promised her earlier on the day that we were going to eat dinner together. Since I didn't even know her this dinner is going to be very interesting. What if she is a really annoying person? Well then I'll just go for the bathroom and never come back...

Looking for Juliette was hard, there were so many people. I never thought it would be easy though. Eventually I found her standing on the outside of the dining room. She was looking around and moved around impatiently. I walked up to her with a smile on my lips.

"Hi, sorry I'm late. I fell asleep on the couch," I excused myself.

"Oh it doesn't matter! I'm glad you showed up, never thought you would because of my spontaneous invitation," She said smiling.

"Great. I haven't met anyone here so I planned on going alone before you asked me. Going alone would have been awkward since everyone else have friends," I said.

"I know right. How could they even make friends so fast? Some of them have roommates but it's quite many people that haven't. For example I haven't!" She said moving her hands all around.

"Me neither," It was a silent pause. "Should we go and take some food to eat?" I continued.

"Yes of course why are we standing here?" She said and laughed a little.

We walked into the dining room and to the line for food. They served dinner in the same room as the lunch was served. Students were seated around tables chatting and laughing.

To dinner they served some fish with potatoes and beans. I skipped the beans; I always get a weird stomach when I eat beans. Juliette and I took a table beside some girls that was chatting about a new type of fighting method and on the other side there was a huge group of guys sitting and talking about a soccer game that they had seen.

"So what classes have you chosen for this year?" Juliette asked.

"You could choose?" I asked surprised. I hadn't gotten an opportunity to choose my classes.

"Yes?" She said as it was obvious.

"Stupid Scott," I mumbled to myself.

"So what classes do you have?" She asked again while chewing on some beans.

"I have chemistry, fighting, maths, Spanish, survival, and some more boring subjects," I said. She nodded.

"It sounds like you want to be a spy on the field. I want to be more of a technician and hack into things; you know the one who does all the technical stuff," She said.

"Yeah, I hadn't so much of an opportunity to choose. My personal trainer just taught me how to fight."

"But that's the most normal, my personal trainer was an old technician/hacker so she just learned me that," She explained. I just nodded.

We sat quiet and asked. The subject we had talked about got me thinking.

"Is it weird to have a personal trainer of the other sex?" I asked her without thinking.

"Yes, it's just in odd cases that it happens, why do you ask that?" She wondered.

"Because I had a guy as a personal trainer..." I said looking at my plate.

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