Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

At first I was confused how Adrian could walk out of the cell without any problem. Literally, how could he even walk? 'Didn't I break his leg some days ago?' I thought confused.

"Hey Adrian, didn't I break your leg?" I asked Adrian that was currently walking in front of me. He snorted and then he turned towards me.

"It's funny how you would think that," he laughed.

"Adrian I heard it with my own ears," I protested. Out of his pocket he now took out his phone. Correction, his broke phone, it was almost in two pieces.

"This was what you heard Lucy," he laughed. Actually I laughed too. It was a little funny how I would have thought that the sound of a broken phone could be the sound of a broken leg.

We went silent after a while. All of us, Adrian, Juliette, the agents and I went into the elevator together. It was not a lot of room left therefore I got sandwiched between the elevator wall and Juliette.

"I love the closeness," Juliette laughed while she wiggled her eyebrows. I knew she was joking, which made me crack up.

"Perv," I laughed, which made her laugh too.

That's when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took it out and read a message from Josh.

'Hey, I wondered if you want to go to Mc Donald's and eat with me? I'm super hangover.'

'Okay, see you there in 30? :)' I replied.

'Ok.' I got back.

"Someone's going on a date," Juliette cooed that had seen me texting Josh, which wasn't a surprise since we were stealing each others personal space in this elevator. I remembered there had been two elevators beside each other, the one we went into when we got here was much bigger. Unluckily I think we had gotten the smaller elevator for a very small number of people, probably for four people. Since we were about six people you maybe understand why I'm sandwiched.

"Shut up, he's just hangover as me," I spat.

"Someone's feisty," Juliette answered. I gave out a sigh.

"I'm sorry Juliette, I'm just hungry, tired and hangover, I didn't mean to spat at you," I apologised.

"It's okay, I understand," she said.

"Hey what are you doing over there? Making out?" Adrian laughed from the other side of the elevator.

"Shut up!" Both Juliette and I said together which made us laugh. Even though we both are tired and hungry we still can laugh together which is something that I love with our relationship. I couldn't stop myself from smiling huge, nobody noticed it though since my face was smushed into the elevator wall.


As I walked into Mc Donald's I heard the familiar beeping sound and talking people. Further away from the door I saw Josh siting at a table waiting for me. He didn't notice me at first but when I walked closer he gave of a big smile. He looked very cute today, even though he looked tired. He had a grey beanie on his head and his messy ash blonde hair stuck out of it, also he wore a white t shirt with black jeans. I sat down in front of him on the other side of the table.

"Hey, I'm glad you came, I'm so hangover right now," he said and laughed a little.

"Hi, and yep me too," I answered with a shy smile. I looked to the side and noticed that he had a pair of sunglasses laying on the side of the table. He noticed what I was looking at and nervously pulled a little on his beanie.

"Yeah that's what I said," he stated and I giggled a little.

"So have you already eaten?" I asked. Josh shook his head.

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