Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

The call came at 5 am on the Monday morning. I yawned and then reached for my phone. I groaned when I saw who was calling but I answered anyway.

"I don't want to know about your protein shakes, I'm sleeping-, "I got cut off by Scott's deep voice, always sounding so scary and mysterious.

"It's not about my protein shakes Lucy, it's about the mission," he answered. I sat up straight in the bed, prepared for whatever he was going to say. He sounded serious so I instantly knew that this was not some childish thing I was going to hear.

"Agent Todd and I have researched about the old missions and we have found a pattern with all the murders, first he kills the fighter teacher and then he kills the new fighter teacher."

"Why does he kill people exactly that way?"

"Because he probably thinks that I've grown up and become a teacher so he thinks that killing the teacher must be right, he is a crazy man Lucy, I don't know exactly why," Scott sighed. Quickly I came to conclusion.

"That means that someone has to keep an eye out on the new fighter teacher," I said.

"Exactly Lucy, that is going to be you, or only for today and after that we have a professional to keep an eye out for her," Scott said.


"No buts Lucy, you can do it, I've already told the principal why you will be missing all your classes today. So get up and get ready, remember to wear something that you can fight in," he said and then he hung up.

"Geez, thanks mother," I said with sarcasm. I checked the time and it said that I had an hour to get ready for babysitting a teacher.

An hour later I walked out of my room and towards the fighter lesson I went in and this lesson I knew I could attend the lesson as normal, I just needed to be ready. As I walked into the fighting classroom, the familiar sent of sweat hit me. Our new teacher were walking around and taking out stuff and preparing for class. I greeted her quickly and then walked off and started to warm up for class. It was just two other students and I here besides the teacher. Warming up must have crossed the other students minds too because they soon joined me. We ran a little and stretched, there was about twenty minutes left to class and there was nothing else to do. The teacher was walking around, her black hair that was in a high ponytail that was straight as a pole but still managed to move from side to side perfectly. She had this perfect hair every girl was dreaming of having when you was about 13 years old yet couldn't have, and I admit that I was jealous of it. She walked over to some cones and picked them up. Her eyes locked with mine and she smiled.

"Lucy, if you aren't too busy, could you help me to put these out on a line with about one meter apart from each other?" She asked me with a gracious smile.

"Sure," I smiled back and did as she told me. When I was done I walked up to her and asked if there was something else I could help her with. I felt like a star student in middle school, who would do anything for the teacher just to get a little more credit.

"Thank you Lucy for your help but I think that's it," she told me.

"Okay and you are welcome Ms..?"

"Ms Montgomery," she corrected me and I smiled. She wasn't as bad as I thought the last lesson. A lot more students had walked into the classroom, Josh was one of them. I wasn't going to even look at him this lesson because of what he said to me yesterday. Though it was a little harder than I thought because Ms Montgomery had chosen to do a fighting tournament is in the end of the lesson were we was only supposed to use the new techniques we had learned at today's lesson. Surprise, surprise, Josh was going to go against me; again, this was the second time we fought each other. Both of us made ourselves ready to fight each other, I was not going to let him win. Ms Montgomery told us that we could start and Josh kept his distance at first. He had learned a lesson; never take the first step in a fight. For me though, it wasn't a problem if the opponent made the first step or if it was me, because I knew how to skilfully take control of the situation in a fight, how to get the advantage. I took one step closer than another, slowly to see if he would dare to do anything. When he didn't react and only stood there in defence position with his arms and hands protecting his face I took my chance and did a kick that Ms Montgomery had taught us during the last lesson, when the opponent didn't expect it I kicked him hard at his thigh. As expected he didn't see it coming and lost his balance a little, something Ms Montgomery had told us to get advantage of, so I quickly grabbed the collar of his t shirt and was going to push him down to the mattress, but Josh was fast he noticed what I was going to do and moved quickly to the side. I on the other hand saw his reaction before it was too late and turned to face him and that was when his knuckle hit right in the middle of my chest and all the air went out of my chest, another thing that Ms Montgomery had thought us. I breathed in and tried to get my breathing back when Josh grabbed my arm and slammed me down onto the mattress. I got my air back again and before he could hit me again I hit him on his leg and he fell down onto the mattress beside me, I jokingly wiggled my eyebrows and I could see a little smile spread onto his lips. I sat up and them took both of his hands on my hands and tried to win this fight. However, he was to strong and jerked loose. Quickly I stood up and hit my elbow right in between his shoulder blades. Because of my high force in the hit he fell back down and I could finally win the game. As predicted I won even though Josh tried to jerk away from me dozens of times. Ms Montgomery was super happy that I won because I was the only girl that could win over a boy in this class. Everyone applause at me and I could feel the happiness spread through my body. Josh though wasn't so happy about his failure.

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