Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

“Have you checked that you have everything with you?” My mom asked me.

“Yes mom,” I mumbled. She had already asked me that about hundreds times. I am happy that I’m going to drive there on my own.

I’m starting a new school, a spy school. The spy is on the other side of the country. Never before had I been there or seen it, I’ve just heard things from my personal trainer, Scott Martin. Scott Martin wasn’t your usual personal trainer as you may think. He’s not this guy who helps you out at the gym telling to do that extra sit-up, he is actually the person who helped me with becoming the person I am today, a spy. It all started when my parents got a divorce and my mom needed money. One day a woman offered her money if they could turn me into a spy, which in her ears sounded like a good deal. After a week Scott showed up at the door step of the little apartment that my mom and I lived in, saying that he was my new personal trainer.

At first the training was fun or it wasn’t actually training it was more of learning. Some things I learned was; how to get out of a burning house, load simple guns, speak fluent languages. At 8 years you shouldn’t start with the hardest things, it was all basic things for a spy.

Then the hard part of the training started but that wasn’t until I got into puberty, I was 10 years old. Two days in a week my teacher taught me karate. I learned how to read people by their facial expression, and how to hide what you feel from other people. I learned how to load more difficult guns and how to unload bombs, I learned loads of other stuff too but it’ll just make you sleepy.

Besides all of these spy things I learned I went to normal school too. I had one friend in school but I only met her in school, I had too much pressure on learning things that I hadn’t time to have friends. As you may understand my childhood hadn’t been the greatest, lonely and always busy with homework. When other children in my age went to Disney Land was I stuck in my kitchen studying for the next upcoming test I would have in Science while waiting for Scott to arrive for our daily practice.

“Lucy you need to go now if you want to get there in time,” My mom said to me. She was right I needed to go now.

“Okay mom. I’ll go now,” I whispered. I grabbed my bags and went to my car while hearing footsteps behind me. Knowing my mom was crying I turned around slowly and my mom slung her arms around me. I hugged her back.

“Mom it’s going to be alright, I’m coming home on the breaks, I’ll call you and…”

“It’s not that… My little girl is growing up,” She said crying more. We stood like that for a while until I remembered that I needed to go if I was going to get there in time.

“Mom I need to go now…” She let me go. She strokes my hair with her shaking hands.

“I’ll miss you sweetheart. Just promise me one thing.”


“To succeed.” She kissed me on my head.

I got into my black car, which I had gotten in birthday present from my mom two years ago. I turned on the radio and my favourite song started playing. I smiled. As I started my car I saw my mom waving at me, with a smile on my lips I waved back. After that I drove away from her. Somehow it felt better than I thought it would feel when you drive away from my only family member. Only because I knew I could start over.

Hours later I had arrived and gotten my room. This spy college looks as a normal college, it had dorms and cafeterias. My room was quite little, but cute. The most things had the colour white and the room smelled like cleanser. You could hear students chatter in the corridor outside. A normal sized bed stood in the corner of the room, in front of it was a wooden dresser. To my surprise there was a couch in the room too, and I had my own bathroom. I went inside the room that was now my new home. I smiled at the thought.

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