Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

"I would love to tell you my reasons behind the deaths, but you see I haven't got time at the moment. I'm here to get my revenge," Shawn said with an evil and outraged grin. His eyes were glued at Josh, filled with a storm of rage. An unwanted chill went through my body only because I knew this would end with death. What if Josh would die for real now? And if Shawn killed Josh, would he kill me too? Without being able to stop my breath I started to hyperventilate. My heart pumped at a racing speed and I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I swallowed loudly, trying to relax, hide how scared I was of my own death. Hence my unlucky try of hiding my mood change Shawn's eyes snapped to mine, his awful grin still on his lips. If I got to say it myself it only grew wider.

"Seems like sissy Juliette is scared," he cooed. Trying to hide his happy smile of his success of getting me scared he said; "Don't worry, you will not suffer, not when I kill you first."

Then he turned around and locked the door and started to take dangerous large steps towards us. I turned to Josh who hadn't said a word since Shawn turned up at my door. In my eyes I knew that he was scared, maybe not as scared as me. However, on the outside he held a calm face.

"So this is it?" Josh spoke up. Shawn just shrugged, and quickened his steps. Automatically my feet brought me further back in the room until my back hit the wall.

"Frankly this is it, when I end my mission," he said and stood in silence for a while and then he received his smirk. "Almost forgot I have to kill the old man Scott too, which is what I will enjoy the most."

My throat had gotten dry because of my hyperventilation. I cleared my throat before I spoke getting both of the men's attention.

"But I don't get it you don't seem to be old enough to have a son old enough to kill?" I asked before stopping myself, I had to know.

"Well you see, I'm his son, and I'm the son who gets revenge for my dad, because my dad can't," he answered. "I never died. Also my father used to be alive, but I killed him, you may know him." He laughed at the end. As he mentioned it realisation hit me like a rock. He had answered my earlier answer. Mr Stone was his dad.

"Enough of this small talk, I haven't got all time in the world," Shawn said cutting my thoughts off.

Shawn had started to walk up to me, his hands about to grip my throat. Fortunately Josh was quicker and pushed me aside and jumped upon Shawn. Now he was in sitting on Shawn punching him repeatedly.

"This is for what you did to Lucy," Josh screamed at Shawn as he punched. What I was seeing was a horrible sight. Not knowing how to react I sat as frozen where I had landed after Josh's push. Shawn was bleeding from every possible place on his body. I knew Josh would kill Shawn. Not only wouldn't it be good for Josh's career but Shawn had to be taken to the agents. He had to be alive when he was brought to the agents too.

"Josh stop you are killing him!" I screamed at Josh trying to get him off Shawn without any success.

Just as I was going to scream at Josh again Shawn pulled out something of his pocket that made my heart stop, it was a gun. I stood as frozen. As he aimed the gun at me and fired shot it all came down as if it was faith. I fell down onto the floor. Everything felt like it went in slow motion. Last week I read about a woman, who had been close to death, she had mentioned that it's like your life pass in front of your eyes. It was exactly how it was for me at the moment. From the days when I was really young to yesterday when Jaxon and I shared a kiss. It was all from happy to sad memories. I didn't feel any pain which was lucky. Just as I was about to give up, tiredness taking over, I saw that Josh had gotten the gun. Josh aimed and shot, without any regrets written on his face. He had shot Shawn and everything was finally over. With that safe thought in mind I felt myself get drawn further into the darkness until I was fully drenched with it.


Something was not right. I couldn't get the disturbing feeling out of my mind. For first where is Juliette? Secondly why haven't any doctors checked up on me this hour? They usually check on me every hour.

"Where is Juliette?" I asked Scott who was seated in the chair beside me, looking like he was about to fall asleep any moment. I had already told him several times to get home and sleep, but the stubborn man had to stay with me. At least now I know that he really cared about me.

"I ordered her to go home, she looked exhausted, she has been at this hospital since you were found," he said with a yawn.

"Did she look even more exhausted than you do at the moment?" I asked with a small laugh. Scott protested with a snort.

"Ha ha very funny," he said, his voice filled with sarcasm.

"Thought I would enjoy myself while I was at it," I said. I laughed even more when Scott forced a tired smile at me.

"So I figured," he said and yawned one more time and then rubbed his eyes. I sat up in the bed.

"You know you don't have to be here. I think you should go home and get some sleep, you look like you are about to pass out," I commented.

"Thanks but no thanks, I will stay here."

"No really! No one, not even you, the strongest man I know, both physically and mentally, can go without sleep this long," I protested. Scott sighed and was about to tell me a lesson, he had the face, which he always has when he is about to tell me a lesson. Lucky me he got interrupted by one of the guards who worked for Scott shoving his head through the opening in the door.

"They have found Shawn," he said.

Scott jumped out of his chair and rushed to the door.

"Sir, Josh killed him," the guard mentioned. Scott which didn't seem too excited threw a punch at the wall and created a whole.

Without looking back at me Scott walked out of the room.

Never would I believe that Shawn would be stopped and killed, at least not this soon. Everything that he had put me through didn't change my thoughts. He deserved it. He had created more darkness in my life than anyone else. The thought of him dead made the happiness of revenge spread through my body. It may sound horrible but it was the truth. Somehow this is all that I had wanted. Now everything can go back to normal and I can continue a regular life as a student at a spy school. To be a normal student is something that I have wanted to be for a long time. After this I might not be able to be a fully normal student because of the rumours and such, but it will be happy with whatever I get. I have my friends to live my life with. No actually, my family. Juliette, Josh, Jaxon and of course Scott, they all included in my family. With my family I was now able to relax and enjoy life and have no worries about a vindictive murder planning their next move. However, I knew that when I graduated this would be a regular day at work. But for now I was grateful for what I had accomplished.

It was at this moment that I knew I had a conclusion. Beside me was the diary my mom had gave me when I first when to the spy school. I had written some notes and diary entries, enough to almost fill the whole book. I took a pen and opened up a new page and wrote:

I did not succeed, but I succeeded at life and got one of the best. Not every life is perfect. Everyone's life has flaws, mine just happens to have more. Though I'm fine with that because they are what make me who I am. I am Lucy Watson and I am a spy.



Hi everyone! I can't believe it I'm done with this book! After so long time it has finally come to an end.

I love every single one of you who have read my poorly written story, and thank you.

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Have a great day!

- Veronica

Love, Spy and DieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora