Crickets Fate

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Cricket did not know that he was being hunted by the military he walked slowly but with power throughout the streets. Then without warning he was being fired upon the first bullet hit cricket in the hind leg. He ran as fast as he could to try and get away from the bullets that flared through the air. Cricket was hurt but he wasn't down the bullet had tore through his leg leaving a wound that needed medical attention. He found a place for him to attend the injury that was now becoming painful to him.

He licked his wound trying to ease the discomfort that was now plaguing him. He could barely stand he tried to walk but his leg was hurting and had now become limp. He whimpered as he tried to lay to ease his discomfort. Sleep came fast he twitched as he tried his best not to move while resting. He was hurt but not dead he realized that his situation required for him the rest. He stayed in his cubby hole until he was becoming better his wound had begun to heal. He could now stand but the pain was still there wich caused him to limp as he walked. He was not at his strongest he wanted to eat but there was no way he could hunt. Cricket didn't move he laid back in the same position as before it was the only way not to hurt the wound. He closed his eyes and rested he was becoming agitated his leg was holding him from his mission to return to his master.

Meanwhile the US military continued there search for cricket. They set of there scare bombs to flush him out but cricket never budge. He knew now that they were out to kill him and that he needed to allude them until he healed completely.

Crickets hunger was getting the best of him he wanted to kill he knew where the food source was but getting there was the problem. His leg was getting better and each day he was becoming stronger. He could now walk he no longer moved with a limp. Cricket was hungry he left his hiding place and looked for his next meal. He tried to stay out of the eyes of the public he did not want to get hurt again. He walked through the wooded deep grass as if he'd belong there. He made to the cow Pasteur looking for the prime beef he lived so much. It didn't take him long before he saw the cow he wanted. He crept slowly trying not to spook the animals so that they wouldn't make scene by running. As soon as cricket got close he attack killing the animal at once dragging it into the wooded area to eat it. He was hungry plus he needed the strength in order to continue on his journey. His leg had healed and he wanted badly to see his master troy. It had been a while since he heard his masters voice let alone felt his touch. He consumed the cow until there was nothing left of it. He was smart enough not to leave anything behind that would lead the military to his whereabouts.

Cricket was now two miles away from where he started out from, but what he didn't know was that the military had a eight mile perimeter set out for him. He walked in the woods ad much as he could but sometimes he would have to surface into the public. The moment he did so he was spotted and the gun shots rang out once again. He was trapped and the gunshot continued until he was dead. Cricket was gone and the news aired that the creature was captured and no longer alive. There were cheers of the many people who were happy for what they heard. Troy stopped his truck and began to cry for his animal he wished that it could have turned out different. But it didn't troy was sad that cricket suffered the way he did. But in the back of his mind he was glad that no one else would be hurt by his animal.

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