What's Next

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Troy took cricket away from upstate New York he drove hundreds of miles to reach the District of Columbia. He reached a wooded area in the metropolitan area called fort stanton. He saw that this particular area was full of woods and that cricket would have plenty of room to roam and hunt wild animals. Troy let the dog out the truck and immediately cricket took off running after a rabbit. This was troy chance to get away from cricket he hurried back to the truck and drove away as fast as he could. For a moment he glanced back at the dog he love and saw the killer he was.

Things had settled in upstate since cricket was gone troy knew that this time he would never see cricket again. He'd hope that somehow the dog was doing okay. He would often think of cricket throughout the day he knew that where ever the animal ended up he was alive and others were dead. He whispered the words what's next as his mind remembered the times when he played with his dog as a pup. He wondered what went wrong with cricket?" Cricket was not a animal who could do such thing his mind told him over and over. He turned the music on the truck's radio to drown out the talk in his head. He had only four more miles to go before he reached his house. He was tired especially tired of being the owner of a killer dog. All he wanted was a hot shower and his bed he made himself a mental note not to answer his cell phone.


Cricket was looking for his master he barked and searched for him throughout the night. He was hungry he knew what he had to do to survive. He walked through the woods in search for food he saw what he was looking for. Just a few yards away was a young boy who played in his back yard. Cricket continued to watch the boy he hunted the child with stealth precision. It didn't take cricket long before he conquered his victim dragging the child deep within the woods. He ate on the boy most of the night until he was full and needed to rest. By morning cricket started for his journey to get back home. In his mind he had somehow got lost from his master of whom he thought would be trying to find him by now.

A week has past and cricket continue to find his way home he traveled a long way now. And on his journey he came across a lot of different people. Some who wanted nothing to do with him while others wanted him as there own. Within the weeks of him being on his own he manage to reach as far as baltimore maryland. It was as if he had some sort of built in navigation system that guided him back to troy.

Cricket loved troy he had a loyalty to his master that even troy himself didn't understand. Cricket understood the limits that humans possess he knew that in Troys own way he loved him just as much. He walked the streets lonely for the touch of troy he was determined to make it back to him. He traveled through the back roads and followed the train tracks as far as they would go. He slept where he could and in the day he continued to try and find his way home.

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